"but thankfully rendered into harmless sludge at the Ames, Iowa, municipal sewage plant. Now gone forever, RIP."

Not so fast. I think a group of bandits seized that shit, reconstituted it, and molded it into what we refer to as Ted Cruz.

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Oh Yeahhhh < /Barry White>

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See, I'm not even going to waste a Brolly Bunny appearance here. I'm just going to keep fantasizing about One-L and Snowbilly scissoring themselves forever, in hell, also too.

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I think you're more likely to have Marcus drop by in a sundress for a little prayer session. Be sure to have knee pads handy.

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I dunno. Those Mormons, man...

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That much alliteration in a sentence just caused me to hemorrhage hemoglobin....thanks for that.

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Puke. Thanks, that actually makes another semester of celibacy way easier.

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God, Michelle has to stop teasing us. We have been waiting for the Rapture for so long now. I can't tell you how many times we have packed and unpacked. The last time was really embarrassing because first, we stopped paying all of our bills, because of the impending destruction of the financial system. Then we sent out a stack of "See Ya' Sinner" cards, just to say, you know, "Sorry you're all going to be damned". Well now, my credit rating is crap and the Wallace's still aren't speaking to us.

Don't get me wrong. I'm still all in on the Rapture thing, but Jeez! I mean, make a schedule and stick to it. What kind of Apocalypse are you running here?

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From that old article:

"She is extremely smart, articulate, sincere, honest, principled and maintains unshakable core convictions about preserving America’s heritage of constitutionally limited government and the rule of law rather than the rule of men".

Joseph Farah wrote this, describing one-L....and it caused my mind to finally click on why and how Louie Gohmert keeps getting elected, Sarah Palin maintains a following and Trump is driving the clown car. I have peered into the opacity of the bubble in all its demented stupidity and finally know the unknowable and now I need to lie down for I fear I may have a bloodclot forming in my brain.

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What if there was a Rapture and no one left?

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That is Thad Cochran.

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Well between the Snowbilly and her abstinence only daughter, they have fucked about every man in Wasilla, so what can she do except turn to a little girl on girl action?

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Are you absolutely certain that wasn't the Iowa "Turkey in the Straw" poll?

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One long on faith and short on deliverables.

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Mitt has been busy filing an amended return for that one year he paid almost 13% in federal taxes.

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Stockdale knew that he was unknown to the general public. He asked those questions rhetorically as a lead-in to introducing himself and summarizing his life story. He never got to finish doing so, which I thought was unfortunate.

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