lingam is Sanskrit but a different Indo-European language of India (I appreciate the South Park reference cause that's what I was thinking) Lingam doesn't always mean penis, but being this is Wonkette, I'll go with that definition here . I wondered who would choose that English approximation of their "surname" (I still haz a confuse regarding surnames or last names and "Christian" names since not all cultures around the world use the same nomenclature.) I have a feeling it might be an adaptation of "Ashokalingam" which would literally mean "the penis of one without sorrow."
what sister isn't embarrassed by her brother, especially when he discovers his friends find her attractive so he has to bring up all her dirty laundry so he doesn't lose his friends to the call of her yoni....?
no one to rescue the STL med school rep?---OK, i guess that leaves me, i know a couple grads/MD's--- they're ranked as above average, #75 of 177 by startclass smart ranking, and as a relatively selective med school, granting interviews to 14% of 6600 applicants, and admitting only 2.7%...admitted undergrads having a GPA between 3.51 and 3.97 and median MCAT of 33
so, while it may not quite be hah-vahd med school, it aint jimmy mcgill's american samoa online u, or even st george's in grenada
Admissions officers at top universities have a difficult job, so I guess this guy Vijay looked good to the people at the University of Chicago who read (or skimmed) his application some 20 years ago and accepted it. Then again, UChicago was not as selective two decades ago as it is today.
It's sad that it carries over into South Asian Muslim communities, also too. Apparently too many Pakistani Muslims drool over Caucasian converts, no matter how unbalanced or John Walker Lindhish; but happily refer to their peaceful, law-abiding African-American fellow-religionists as n***ers and worse.
I'm still confused here. Must be losing my snarkdar or something. Was he LITERALLY (in the old-timey sense of the word) applying make up to darken his skin, or just keeping his hair short and talking in some James O'Keefe inspired version of ebonics? Also was it just that he checked off "black" rather than South Asian on the applications or did he go around claiming to be African American? And no one asked him about his last name? Or anything else? Like no one talked to him the whole time he was in medical school?
I am myself a smallish near-elderly jewish woman from Queens but I often channel my inner angry black woman to get what I want. (She's a much larger person.)
My spouse bought Mindy Kaling's biography at 80% off from B&N one time. It wasn't very funny and neither is her show. But it did mention that her parents were colonials who lived in Africa prior to coming to the US. Hence the claim that he is African-American, I guess.
And, IIRC, Kaling made a point to mention that her parents weren't some quik-e-mart owners either. Dad was a renowned architect (with a long commute to an important job), Mom was an MD. The entitlement isn't really surprising.
We'd better check and make sure it isn't actually James in brownface, in blackface!
Pfft hows he gonna sell THAT story to Fox?
lingam is Sanskrit but a different Indo-European language of India (I appreciate the South Park reference cause that's what I was thinking) Lingam doesn't always mean penis, but being this is Wonkette, I'll go with that definition here . I wondered who would choose that English approximation of their "surname" (I still haz a confuse regarding surnames or last names and "Christian" names since not all cultures around the world use the same nomenclature.) I have a feeling it might be an adaptation of "Ashokalingam" which would literally mean "the penis of one without sorrow."
what sister isn't embarrassed by her brother, especially when he discovers his friends find her attractive so he has to bring up all her dirty laundry so he doesn't lose his friends to the call of her yoni....?
You just made it 5. Wanna try for more?
no one to rescue the STL med school rep?---OK, i guess that leaves me, i know a couple grads/MD's--- they're ranked as above average, #75 of 177 by startclass smart ranking, and as a relatively selective med school, granting interviews to 14% of 6600 applicants, and admitting only 2.7%...admitted undergrads having a GPA between 3.51 and 3.97 and median MCAT of 33
so, while it may not quite be hah-vahd med school, it aint jimmy mcgill's american samoa online u, or even st george's in grenada
sorry, that image makes my brain hurt :P
how would you , ahem, dispose of the "remainder", rolling it does not seem to be an appealing way to do that...
Admissions officers at top universities have a difficult job, so I guess this guy Vijay looked good to the people at the University of Chicago who read (or skimmed) his application some 20 years ago and accepted it. Then again, UChicago was not as selective two decades ago as it is today.
It's sad that it carries over into South Asian Muslim communities, also too. Apparently too many Pakistani Muslims drool over Caucasian converts, no matter how unbalanced or John Walker Lindhish; but happily refer to their peaceful, law-abiding African-American fellow-religionists as n***ers and worse.
I keep seeing TV shows where an African-American passes for an Arab or South Asian with no problems and that confuses the hell out of me.
LOL, "Heb" Bush. El Jefe Jebbie.
I'm still confused here. Must be losing my snarkdar or something. Was he LITERALLY (in the old-timey sense of the word) applying make up to darken his skin, or just keeping his hair short and talking in some James O'Keefe inspired version of ebonics? Also was it just that he checked off "black" rather than South Asian on the applications or did he go around claiming to be African American? And no one asked him about his last name? Or anything else? Like no one talked to him the whole time he was in medical school?
I am myself a smallish near-elderly jewish woman from Queens but I often channel my inner angry black woman to get what I want. (She's a much larger person.)
More like "Choke on a lingam", amirite?(Sorry, Mindy)
My spouse bought Mindy Kaling's biography at 80% off from B&N one time. It wasn't very funny and neither is her show. But it did mention that her parents were colonials who lived in Africa prior to coming to the US. Hence the claim that he is African-American, I guess.
And, IIRC, Kaling made a point to mention that her parents weren't some quik-e-mart owners either. Dad was a renowned architect (with a long commute to an important job), Mom was an MD. The entitlement isn't really surprising.