They were Rodents Of Unusual Size! Prince Humperdinck demands a retraction!

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The police unions are bloomin' cults: their leaders are mostly charismatic fascists who push "killology" and us-versus-them policing (these leaders tend to have close ties to state and national Republican organizations, there's a reason the Republicans have exempted police unions from their 40+ year war on public sector unions).

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Yeah, let's just net all the fish now- who gives a fuck about bringing back cod or other crashing fisheries? Let's put the odious ex-governor in charge! I'm sorry Maine, it's like having your ex be put in charge of grocery shopping for you. This is not going to end well.

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Y'call that a song 'bout Godzilla? Thass not a song 'bout Godzilla. This is a song 'bout Godzilla. https://m.youtube.com/watch...

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Help your uncle, Jack, off a horse?

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only after Tundra told me to

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About 25 below zero, in still air.

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Does anyone believe anything said by any part of this administration any more? I mean, if you've lost the CDC, why would anyone else bother with the truth.

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Without a doubt:'(

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And his peeps love him for it:'(

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Every time I see that GIF, just have to watch that scene again:


Note: This was John Housman’s last film.

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Well, you've been busy.

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I can affirm that my company is still trying to decide what to do about the end of the PPP eligibility period. We have, thus far, avoided layoffs by doing work reduction across the board, but even THAT was in large part due to the PPP and the rest due to the fact that our bosses actually give a shit about each and every one of us employees - but there's only so much they can do. Fuck this administration and their heartless Republican enablers.

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Wishing you a BLUE November!

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