My family lived near "The Grove" in a place called "The Sea Ranch". Even though they excelled at joyless striving Papa never made the cut. I used to hang out with the townies. The folks that served drinks, mucked horse stalls, made the beds and what not at the Groverooni. They had tasty stories. Now good old Mom is idling away at Pebble Beach. Pops is passed. I don't visit much. The very rich have little time for friends. Always minding their money.
The only way to remove a justice is through impeachment, which for the likes of Thomas and Alito ought to be slam-dunks. But the tribalism in Congress has become so intense that no Republican will ever vote to impeach either man, or to convict in the Senate.
Then again, maybe the IRS will conclude that Thomas has been cheating on his tax returns all these years and charges him with tax fraud. Not going to happen but a boy can dream,.
It’s funny how these conservative justices, whose whole mantra is “think of the children!”, never actually think of the children when they rule in favor of destroying the environment and protecting guns, etc. Yes, 3 were appointed by an illegitimate, illiterate asswipe whose daddy issues have mommy issues and yes they are all hypocrites with no sense of shame, irony, or, apparently, smell given the metaphorical stench Sotomayor referred to, but still. A moment’s pause before single handedly destroying both the country and the planet, every once in a while, would be nice. Oh wait, what’s that? They’re full of 💩 and believe in nothing but money and power? Right. And every time a bell rings Clarence gets his things (his RVs, and his trips on luxury yachts and his cigars and …) I’d say all it took was his soul, but this stuff’s expensive ..
I was really disappointed when Obama said he wouldn’t keep his campaign promise to codify Roe v Wade. Obama did some good things under enormous pressure. But still…
This ***** guy. I'd like to nominate Clarence Thomas for the Robert Menendez Medal for Public Integrity. Clarence has gone above and beyond. Way beyond.
There are many, many names that could be attached to such awards. Probably enough for an Academy Award type TV extravaganza. I'll nominate Jon Stewart, Samantha Bee and John Oliver as my dream team of hosts.
CT is ignoble, notoriously corrupt trash. I've known this since Anita Hill testified; that he ever made it onto the SC shows just how far that once-esteemed institution has fallen. Kegs Kavanaugh and Amy Boney Carrot sealed that deal.
Expand the Court!! 13 Circuits, 13 Justices. No fewer.
It's past time for Uncle Clarence Thomas to resign from the Supreme Court, along with Alito. They are a disgrace to the institution. They are completely corrupt due to Leonard Leo and friends, and have sold their seat on the bench to the highest bidder.
At least the DOJ is investigating Leo, but Thomas also needs to be investigated. The corruption on the Supreme Court is more of a threat to our system of government than either Donald Trump or Ron DeSantis.
We can survive the attack on our democracy that the Republican Party is currently carrying out, in their effort to reelect Trump. But a corrupt Supreme Court is much harder to protect against, since opinions regarding constitutional law made by the Court almost require amendments to the Constitution to overturn.
Thomas doesn't just have the "appearance" of corruption; he and Ginni are corrupt. It's time for Clarence to go.
That's not correct. The Public Integrity Section exists precisely to investigate the Supreme Court. The essential idea of "separation of powers" is to give each of the three bodies of government the power to keep the other two honest.
I have to agree with your original that Garland doesn't believe in investigating the Supreme Court. I should have said that it's incorrect that investigating corrupt judges was not allowed. Perhaps in the second Biden Administration (fingers crossed!), we'll get an AG who will let the Public Integrity Section attack the systemic judicial corruption. Maybe Jack Smith will be that AG.
The DOJ has tried to keep their hands off of the Supreme Court for obvious reasons, but I think that Thomas' and Alito's corruption will force Garland to appoint a special counsel to investigate the corruption and bring criminal charges if necessary. It could get very interesting in the next few weeks.
America will become a much better place once the remaining Koch brother finally has the decency to die.
Ever notice how the most evil mother fuckers in the world always manage to not only live forever, but still influence politics long after they should have retired to place where their only concern should what flavor pudding will they be serving today?
My family lived near "The Grove" in a place called "The Sea Ranch". Even though they excelled at joyless striving Papa never made the cut. I used to hang out with the townies. The folks that served drinks, mucked horse stalls, made the beds and what not at the Groverooni. They had tasty stories. Now good old Mom is idling away at Pebble Beach. Pops is passed. I don't visit much. The very rich have little time for friends. Always minding their money.
The only way to remove a justice is through impeachment, which for the likes of Thomas and Alito ought to be slam-dunks. But the tribalism in Congress has become so intense that no Republican will ever vote to impeach either man, or to convict in the Senate.
Then again, maybe the IRS will conclude that Thomas has been cheating on his tax returns all these years and charges him with tax fraud. Not going to happen but a boy can dream,.
can't he be impeached?
By this Senate?
fair point
Jesus Rollerblading Christ, Clarence! Get the fuck out, you corrupt piece of shit!
That's two new Jesus nicknames in one week. This non-comment section is a treasure trove!
It’s funny how these conservative justices, whose whole mantra is “think of the children!”, never actually think of the children when they rule in favor of destroying the environment and protecting guns, etc. Yes, 3 were appointed by an illegitimate, illiterate asswipe whose daddy issues have mommy issues and yes they are all hypocrites with no sense of shame, irony, or, apparently, smell given the metaphorical stench Sotomayor referred to, but still. A moment’s pause before single handedly destroying both the country and the planet, every once in a while, would be nice. Oh wait, what’s that? They’re full of 💩 and believe in nothing but money and power? Right. And every time a bell rings Clarence gets his things (his RVs, and his trips on luxury yachts and his cigars and …) I’d say all it took was his soul, but this stuff’s expensive ..
Bunch of shameless Koch Suckers!
Thomas makes Uncle Tom look like a piker.
I was really disappointed when Obama said he wouldn’t keep his campaign promise to codify Roe v Wade. Obama did some good things under enormous pressure. But still…
Oh but Wonkettariate, you simply must check out this wonderful bit from Charlie Pierce over at Esquire:
It is so spot on about this whole corrupt mess with the Nine Wise Souls.
We have the tools.
Good stuff, Sheldon. Go get 'em!
Do, everyone, read this link..
Don't forget Ginny Thomas and her consulting business and not-for-profit.
This ***** guy. I'd like to nominate Clarence Thomas for the Robert Menendez Medal for Public Integrity. Clarence has gone above and beyond. Way beyond.
George Santos libelz! Or at least name another medal after him, like the George Santos Medal for Personal Integrity While In Public Service.
There are many, many names that could be attached to such awards. Probably enough for an Academy Award type TV extravaganza. I'll nominate Jon Stewart, Samantha Bee and John Oliver as my dream team of hosts.
Stop the ha! ha! Make it happen. Would be the most watched awards show EVER.
CT is ignoble, notoriously corrupt trash. I've known this since Anita Hill testified; that he ever made it onto the SC shows just how far that once-esteemed institution has fallen. Kegs Kavanaugh and Amy Boney Carrot sealed that deal.
Expand the Court!! 13 Circuits, 13 Justices. No fewer.
Same here. Even the hint of the Anita Hill affair (which turned out to be true) should have been sufficient to keep that fucker off of the Court.
It's past time for Uncle Clarence Thomas to resign from the Supreme Court, along with Alito. They are a disgrace to the institution. They are completely corrupt due to Leonard Leo and friends, and have sold their seat on the bench to the highest bidder.
At least the DOJ is investigating Leo, but Thomas also needs to be investigated. The corruption on the Supreme Court is more of a threat to our system of government than either Donald Trump or Ron DeSantis.
We can survive the attack on our democracy that the Republican Party is currently carrying out, in their effort to reelect Trump. But a corrupt Supreme Court is much harder to protect against, since opinions regarding constitutional law made by the Court almost require amendments to the Constitution to overturn.
Thomas doesn't just have the "appearance" of corruption; he and Ginni are corrupt. It's time for Clarence to go.
That's not correct. The Public Integrity Section exists precisely to investigate the Supreme Court. The essential idea of "separation of powers" is to give each of the three bodies of government the power to keep the other two honest.
I have to agree with your original that Garland doesn't believe in investigating the Supreme Court. I should have said that it's incorrect that investigating corrupt judges was not allowed. Perhaps in the second Biden Administration (fingers crossed!), we'll get an AG who will let the Public Integrity Section attack the systemic judicial corruption. Maybe Jack Smith will be that AG.
The DOJ has tried to keep their hands off of the Supreme Court for obvious reasons, but I think that Thomas' and Alito's corruption will force Garland to appoint a special counsel to investigate the corruption and bring criminal charges if necessary. It could get very interesting in the next few weeks.
I hope that I'm right, too. I worry that I might not be.
Gracie Allen was a fucking genius. Clarence Thomas, not so much.
Clarence Thomas is the black friend to all the rich white fascist dudes
America will become a much better place once the remaining Koch brother finally has the decency to die.
Ever notice how the most evil mother fuckers in the world always manage to not only live forever, but still influence politics long after they should have retired to place where their only concern should what flavor pudding will they be serving today?
They have heirs. Bills of attainder with no lifetime limitation are appropriate.