Or, did you mean the delinquent car alarm bird?

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But wait - didn't Trump say that the virus is an invader from Jina?And don't these patriots hate Commies?So why aren't they for fighting COMMIE-19?

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Hey, I bought a shirt at a thrift store that was from Five Star Subs, and it has a similar five stars logo on it.Maybe he's wearing the uniform that the manager of a Five Star Subs wears.

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Way to misspell/not bother to correct a 2-letter word, genius.

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Last November, some sheriffs in Colorado announced that they would not enforce a gun control law that was going into effect in January. This idiot reminded me of them. They took an oath to uphold the law but they can decide which laws? Michigan's AG should get after this dope and do everything she can to remove him from that job.

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Yeah, well what if I'm ten feet tall, huh? or, how about if I stand on a chair, ever think about that??

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Hats!! A modern miracle! Many people are talking about them these days.

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I don't sheriffs can be fired. They can only be not elected next time around. Impeached maybe??

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Thanks. This was way before any thought of "me too." He was a sitting legislator and we needed some legislation passed. There was no way there would ever be any recourse. I did take pictures (since deleted), and told my director he could use them if he needed the vote, but that was a joke, and he knew it.

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The government (or at least that part of it comprising the White House, the Senate and 5 of 9 Supremes) is doing a piss-poor job of protecting us from foreign invaders such as Vladimir Putin and Crown Prince Bonesaw.

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How many people in the state have died?How many people were at the protest?

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I have a great barber here who is a good lefty but doesn't talk politics at work.

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So Shirkey got it wrong in two, two, two ways in one.

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yay pirates!

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Well, it's week whatever it is of the social distancing and I was already overdue for a haircut when social distancing became necessary.

So I am dying for a haircut.

But I am not literally going to die for a haircut.

I am also, apparently, the only old white guy who is not, in his fevered mind, Rosa Parks.

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