a) it's worth looking into what they pay their district office staff. having been gerrymandered into an out of Lamer Schmutz's district, I know he pays two district office staffers for half days--one for his Austin office, one for his San Antonio office--so they don't qualify for federal benefits and have to work 2nd jobs. they get to be yelled at on behalf of an asshole who only shows up when he has to campaign--which is not often--for less! I'm sure he's not the only one. so let's be super nice to their staff while we're yelling shame at them.

b) in an interesting turn of events today, Sen. Cruz decided that talking to Dem protesters was better than talking to Sid Miller's friends (shocking, not shocking). seems Heidi still likes his 2020 chances. http://www.star-telegram.co...

c) bonus! State Rep. Jonathan "Sticky" "Former Fetus" Stickland is having his supporters flood my rep's office with calls threats because she filed a bill to overturn the campus carry legislation and he's a good Christian like that. it's not going to pass, it's symbolic, but he's still being a massive, gaping asshole about it. so we're saying, "I know you are, but what am I?" to his phones. enjoy yourselves. (512) 463-0522

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Speak for yourself. I agree that I have white privilege, but I disagree with the rest of what you say. I didn't vote for Trump. His BS is not only affecting Muslims and other POC, but affect us poor whites, too. And if I'm given an opportunity to make a short and concise criticism of Peter Roskam's support of Cheeto's policies, I will not sit down, and I will not shut up, because I will be making a point that his policies will negatively affect EVERYBODY, black, brown, and white. I'm not just in this for myself.

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"On the Bizarro World they don't eat pizza with a fork! Sad."

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McClintock has been ranting about government evil for the 33 (or so) years he's been in it. Having never held another job as an adult, he was particularly upset when the state of California forced him to accept a pension for his time in the legislature (which for years, he promised he would not take) and, even worse, for paying medical benefits for him and for his family (20+years) before term limits ended his time in office. Worse, he even had to accept per diem expenses (around $300K or so) even though he bought a house 14 miles from the state capitol long before his term ended and only said he still maintained a residence in Thousand Oaks (Mom's house) so he could claim the per diem. He doesn't even live IN the CD he now represents--one with a significant Republican surplus-- a fact that troubles him, no doubt, no end. His constituents, who loudly protest against professional politicians, somehow don't include him among them because, apparently, a third century in office, doesn't qualify.

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Yes! McClintock made Wonkette and Rachel Maddow! This heinous man is mean, stupid and enjoys embarrassing public officials he invites to meetings by calling them names, denigrating them and saying they should be fired. He wants to get rid of all environmental protections and rape the crap out of our public lands. He's never gotten slammed like this and I just couldn't be happier. He lives in a very red district, so the attention on him and his black heart is a very, very good thing. Love seeing him run away with his tail between his legs like the cowardly bully that he is.

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That's the plan.. MAGA by making Goopers run away and hide from their constituents through 2018!

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I use a French Press. That's just how I roll.

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Sabots. It worked for the French, didn't it?

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'Dammit, I didn't get elected so I would have to talk to constituents!'

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They always have been. But now we can see it, up close and personal.

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Here's a whip. Flagellate yourself.

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I read in the SacBee he answered "about a dozen questions".

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Only in Michelle Obama's words.

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Thanks. My hair shirt is at the dry cleaners and this little baby is just what I need.

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Poor whites are donnie's base. Do not ask me to listen to what poor whites have to say whether they voted for donnie or not.

Since the first colonies were established on this continent poor whites have been the foot soldiers of racial oppression and Native Genocide.

Poor whites have been the dependable security forces who cracked heads and broke bones during labor strikes. Poor whites scabbed during strikes and ratted out union activities for money.

Poor whites may have a right to free speech but I also have a right to ask them to STFU and start listening.

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Your concern is noted.

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