How about "Shoeless Joe"?

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I have heard Creepy Joe used a few times, but it was on BreadTube so no help for Trump there.

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He looks better this way.

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How do you run on a change platform when you're currently in charge?

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They are still stuck in 2016.

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Trump has had nearly 4 years to implement change, and people NOW want changes to happen....in response to what he's done. So how is he the best person for that?

Also, I know Trumpians love ad hominems, but this is taking it further than I envisioned.

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Haven't had one of those since high school cafeteria days. I wish they served them at my local diner.

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It always is.

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I think that's a big part of Biden's appeal - normal people waking up in the morning and not having to worry about what fresh hell is it today.

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Joe is Biden his time.

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You don't have to wait to use the President-reject tag. He lost the popular vote.

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Don't forget the stake through their hearts first or they'll back and suck even more.

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I have a nickname for Trump: Loser.

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Boring Biden works for me.

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I'm a citizen of Legoland, travelling in Communicado. https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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