Delete! Delete! Unsee!

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Yes, let Trump make Europe sane again! (full disclosure: I am from the lowlands where poplars line slow-moving rivers like plumes though infinite lowlands. Yes, I stole that.)

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Just make sure it's completely empty. Even more than usual, you do not want to waste a drop.

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I'll be in my bunk.

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Thank you for teaching me a new word I am now going to use like all the time.

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I enjoy trying to guess, but in the end, it doesn't really matter.

Just laugh and point.....

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Ah yes, thinking of Holland.

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It was definitely Miss Lindsey. Hiss! Meow! Then afterward he had a mint julep while fanning himself and declaring that there Trump man is a CAD and a BOUNDER and NO GENTLEMAN, no sirree.

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But are you Dutch or just have Dutch roots?

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Nederlander. Live in Germany. Love the States, but not their politicians.

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Yesterday's press conference makes much more sense if one imagines it as a scene from One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.

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Are we sure the text wasn't "He should be doing this with the rapist, not on live television" ...?

It's unclear whether he meant Glenn Beck, Bill O'Reilly, or maybe Roger Ailes?

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Miss Lindsey, in the House, with a TWEET.-D.C. version of CLUE

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Yes yes YES! My Wonkette would be wise to have those wet dreams about yoga move man, Trudeau, hunka hunka

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