Imagine Coach D suffering some reverses of fortune that cost him his health, all his money and most of his family. He understandably demands an explanation from his god, who immediately creates a distraction by verbally strutting and boasting about all the galaxies he invented. What Coach D doesn't know is that none of this has anything to do with any cosmic Evening With Penn&Teller; no, it's just an ego-inspired bet the god made with an otherworldly version of a dickish D.A.

Of course, afterward the whole story would be held up as a shining example of a devout and principled response to adversity. So there's that.

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Dinesh never lets the facts get in the way of a good story, does he? It's already been revealed that the shooter was just looking at open air venues with lots of attendees, including venues that cater mostly to those of the left-leaning persuasion. These assholes are tying themselves in knots trying to explain this as some kind of politically motivated thing. The world is not politics, folks. Not every terrible thing a person does is motivated by politics.

I'll go out on a limb here and say that we'll never know why he did what he did. We'll have countless theories, a few books on the subject, a ton of think pieces of all stripes, but we will never know the answer to the question 'why'. We will never know that answer because it's too uncomfortable to fathom. Here goes.

He just woke up one day with the idea in his head. That's why. He woke up one day with this idea and spent the better part of a year working on it. No conspiracy, no grand scheme, no real point of motive. All there is is that he got this idea in his head that just wouldn't let up. It likely started as a whisper, a fleeting thought that grew into a carnal scream. That's how it works.

In the end, it won't be politics or religion. It's highly unlikely that it's mental illness. It's just one of those things we will never understand. One of our fellow humans just took a hard turn into the blackness and never looked back. That's the way the news goes.

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I love pointing out that actual evidence shows Paddock was going to do this in Chicago and Lollapalooza but he didn't show up. Wingnuts, your desperate stupid and persecution complexes are showing. Also, notice how these conspiracies no longer go to the top?

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Fuck those theories, I'm blaming the Element of Discord, working alongside Nightmare Moon to Make Equestria Great Again - MEGA!!!!http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-L...

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What difference does it make, anyway. Crimes require means, motive, and opportunity. Drugs (or lack of drugs) might be a motive, and shitloads of expensive and intrusive measures might limit opportunity, but it'd be a lot simpler just to limit the means to the (fatal) ends.

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The last two sentences of the first paragraph are genius. Thank you.

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Then he needs to be on something else. Lithium is old and not used much anymore, for good reason./pharmacist

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So, since I have a NASA t-shirt, I work for NASA too? Cool! Always wanted to!

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Dok gets an upfist for the talking Norton Anthology. Mine used to talk to me too ("you have a test coming up, you have a paper due, muwah hahaha!"), until I burned it in the fireplace and waved sage around the house. :D

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The headline is the answer to my hopes and dreams. Whenever someone starts pushing me to enter a rwnj harangue, I will just look them in the eye with a very loving expression and say, "potato".

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I must have read it several times, laughing myself silly before I could continue.

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Great post. Thanks.

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Oh those cute little eyes. Moommmommoommoomm.

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We know.

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They've been told what to look for as they are watching it.

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