Testify Brother!Pharisees indeed!

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Oh yeah. As someone who has had big breasts since around the age of 12, I understood that meaning very clearly.

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Pastor Raddish. Is he friends with Pastor Rutabaga & Pastor Eggplant? 😆😆😆

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As an atheist & a humanist, I have no use for any of the religious blathering. But really, that Franklin Graham can just fuck right off. Billy Graham was a decent sort, and Franklin is a DISGRACE.

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It's seriously getting to the point where I want to start passing around the theory that Christianity creates rapists and abusers, so people identifying as Christians are a danger to society. The fact that most of the Christians I know aren't rapists and abusers is quickly becoming moot.

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I think one reason these disgusting pieces of crap are able to justify Moore's assault of a 14 year old is because they think girls that age should be married already - the Taliban has nothing on these fuckheads in the "if she bleeds, she breeds" department.

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This is the point I keep trying to make - even before we knew what a creepy kiddy-diddler this freakshow is, it should have been obvious that he was disqualified from holding public office because of his repeated and public violations of the Establishment and Free Exercise clauses of the First Amendment... which, I may remind those playing at home, are the FIRST two clauses of the FIRST Amendment.

I'm nowhere near as elegant and learned a writer as the dudes who put the Bill of Rights together, but as someone who makes a living by writing and editing documents, I know something about document creation, and I know that the first spot on any open-ended list created by a group will either go to the item they think is fundamental to the rest of the items on the list or the thing on which they all agree. That the first clause of the First Amendment is a guarantee of freedom from the establishment of a state belief system is not an accident.

Additionally, it's easy to see a progression within the text of the First Amendment, from the inner heart to the lips to the pen to the megaphone. We're guaranteed the right to believe what we believe without having another belief imposed on us, to practice that belief privately without interference, to speak about that belief to an immediate audience without restriction, to write about that belief to reach an even larger audience without censorship, to gather with people who believe as we do to discuss and promote those beliefs without oppression, and to agitate for protection of those beliefs by the government without constraint.

The structure of the Bill of Rights, of the First Amendment itself, makes it clear that the founders saw freedom of thought and belief as the most architectonic, the most fundamental of rights, underlying every other right they listed.

THAT is what Roy Moore doesn't respect. And THAT is why he's the exact fucking opposite of a hero of the First Amendment or the Constitution. Hell, I'd go so far as to say his repeated and deliberate violations of the Constitution and open advocacy for the overthrow of the explicitly secular nature of the government the founders envisioned make him a traitor to this country as well as a pedo piece of trash.

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That wasn't the only, and wasn't even the worst, iteration of that story. There's the incident in Judges in which a mob demands that a visitor be handed over to them, and the host offers the mob his own daughter and the visitor's concubine instead. In a fit of bravery, the visitor shoves his concubine out the door, and the mob rapes her to death.

Visitor guy then cuts up her body and sends the pieces out to his fellow tribesmen, demanding revenge on the mob's tribe, sliding ever-so-delicately over the fact that she was only dead because he handed her over to the mob knowing their intent and knowing that she'd be raped in his place. That causes a war that destroys all but 600 men of the mob's tribe. But it doesn't end there.

To make it all better and be friends again after that atrocity, the winning side gets together to get wives for these 600 survivors because "oh gee, the poor things have no women to marry because we killed 'em all, but we've sworn an oath not to give our own daughters to them, so what WILL we do??"

So they attack another, completely separate group of people, kill every man, every child, and every woman who wasn't a virgin, and give all the remaining virgins to the 600 dudes to rape forever after. But oh noesies, there just weren't enough women! How will the mob-tribe guys ever rebuild? So these delightful folks tell the guys who didn't get a woman of their very own to rape from the first raid to go kidnap and rape the "daughters of Shiloh" when they venture into the fields as part of a celebration, and whew! that works and they all get a woman to rape forever, whoopee!!!

What a special book.

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Well, my beloved is three years younger than I am, so I guess that's my limit.

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omg, I need to add that one to my list. Chapter and verse please?

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It's in Judges... chapters 19, 20, and 21.

Seriously... it's messed up.

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I'm also find of pointing out that when god gave the promised Land of Canaan to the Israelites it happened to be full of Canaanites. No problem, says god, just kill them all.

Any similarity between that and present times is purely speculative.

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And yet they are constantly whining (projecting) about all the poor little child brides in the Middle East. Funny, but children being married to much older xtian creeps is pretty common in your country too.

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They aren't fit to breathe the same air as Jimmy Carter.

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A baby rhino with a strong anti fundy bias.

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