Please tell me the wife is also required to sign for her husband's vasectomy.

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You don't think the Iowa Lege actually got this piece of crap legislation through even a conservative Republican legislature without a little Iowa Leg, do you?

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0.01 x 0.02 = 0.0002


Oh, hell, I screwed the paragraphs below all up.

Two tenths of one percent is indeed equivalent to two out of every ten thousand. At one time I did know how to properly calculate statistics, but that was a lifetime ago. "delacroix" is right, and I've got to clear out the cobwebs and brush the dust off some things that I used to know.

It seems that the writer wrote 1% as 0.01, which would only be the case if 100% was expressed as 1.0. You can express it that way, but then in order to label it a "percent" you have to move its decimal point two spaces to the right. And if you do that, then you also have to move the decimal points of the two smaller numbers to the right as well. Again, this is necessary in order to call them "percents". "Percent" means "for every one hundred".

Two out of a hundred is still a pretty small number, but way larger than two out of ten thousand. I am doubtful that the number of actual third-semester abortions is anywhere near that high (2 out of every 100).

I am more inclined to believe that the number of third semester abortions truly is something on the order of 2 in every 10,000. Because in order to seek an abortion that late in a pregnancy, a whole lot of things would have needed to go wrong. Like, really bad things. Otherwise, if you've been schlepping that big package in your belly around for say, 30 weeks, then you are obviously pretty committed to seeing the process all the way through to the finish line.

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So overcome with the oodles of love I just feel coming from all of those brave and positively saintly state legislators. So touched, they're really looking out for me, in spite of what that horrible mean "law" says.

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Plus a serving of "If I can't do sex right, noone can do sex right!"

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That's for brown peoples.

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Ahh, the time when actual news organizations did news better than some satire website.....

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well, lets get all pedantical here, cuz this is tots important.

You are right; 0.01 x 0.02 does = .0002, but .0002 = .02 'per cent'....'02 per hundred'....100 x the actual fraction, which is .0002 'per one'

But Benghaziiiiiiiii!

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And I repeat myself (from last week)...what is conservative about government-mandated forced pregnancy?

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Legitimate rape has a way of shutting the lady reproductive parts down, so there's that. No legitimately raped woman COULD ever get pregnant from it. Bazinga!

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I've see one where they use an elephant fetus and it's way cool.

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It looks really well done, although the Commander and Serena Joy being so young still bugs me a bit.

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It's about getting back at the gheys. The idea is that no child born of a ghey couple can ever be legitimate. Married couples practicing artificial insemination are just collateral damage. Shows you how much they really care about family values.

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"Once babies are bornWho cares IF they chow downThat's not my department," Says Werner von Braun.

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So doesn't this mean that you or your relatives could sue any MD for any elective medical procedure? What does the lovable HHS Price have to say about this?

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