Sweet new avatar, nob!

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Remember, Mike Huckabee is a member of the 'curious kind of savant' (AKA 'idiot') who didn't wanted that 'The Life of Brian' was allowed to be screened in the USA because...He had already READ it and knew it was Anti-Christ propaganda...

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1990 called. It wants its jumper back.


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You could show movies on that forehead.

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"Also, Jindal, please name the sought-after conservative musician who just can’t perform for gay weddings. TRICK QUESTION, conservatives don’t have artistic talent, like ever."

This. So much this.

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They're big on the free exercise clause and certainly get excited about grievances (unless you're black), but when it comes to the establishment clause their enthusiasm wanes, and they tend to forget about the "Congress shall make no law" part when it comes to freeze peach.

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So according to Huckabee, if no law allows something, we can't do it? That mindset grants an incredible amount of power to government and strips individuals of any responsibility.

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Huckabee's well-reasoned opinion is that one's personal interpretation of the First Amendment should trump a Supreme Court decision (ETA: or state or local anti-discrimination laws), but state laws take precedence over the Fourteenth Amendment, because Jesus.

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.@IStandwKimDavis I am Christian and I am being persecuted by NOT BEING ABLE TO LOOK UP FUCKING CHILI RECIPES FOR MY LABOR DAY LAKE PICNIC

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Need more info: Is prisoner a black?

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Five unelected judges who were completely qualified to declare Jeb's slightly less dumb older brother President in 2000, of course.

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Or a Scientologist who refuses to process psych patients, that'll be funny.

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If he thinks the Christian God is different to the Muslim God, he's clearly not a good Muslim.

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LINE UP, BOYS! [to lick her knob]

... but not girls, because Jesus says no.

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This is my friend, Angela Valavanis. She was told in the middle of a difficult labor that "oh no, we are now a Catholic hospital so that thing with the tubal ligation that you and your doctor, who is me, have been talking about and put into your birth plan can no longer be done because Jesus/Pope/something something slut. You'll just have to get a whole nother major surgery another time sorrynotsorry!"

So this is what happens when people don't do their fucking jobs, or TELL people that they aren't planning to do their fucking jobs.


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Mike is not real bright. Never was. never will be. Politically he is the first act, warm up to the real hilarious shit the rest of the filed will say. A the end he will be in the lobby selling cd's and tapes, books and whatever has fallen off his body and been sealed in acrylic.

He might follow home so be nice and put a plate of milk out for him. It dosn't have to be fresh.

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