This couple was disturbing beyond snark. Their supposed piety was so disingenuous, shallow, and self-serving, it made me want to puke. You could tell they had used it their entire lives as a hidey-hole to avoid ever taking responsibility for anything. Hard to imagine even their fundie kindred spirits would fall for it. But then again...

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After reading about the Duggars, my first interpretation of your comment was that you gave birth to over 30 kids last year; I was about to salute your productivity, but then reality set in...

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The 360 degree head spin is the hardest move to master.

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I can't decide which is cuter: the mermaid or the sailor!

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Complete with Racism!

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Thanks, Jen. We have great neighbors who all love my hubby and they're ready to help.

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Er . . . from the Desperation File, Seattle's Proudest Hetero spent his afternoon responding to nearly every comment made to him on this three-month-old thread.

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Homicide victims are justifiably afraid of their killers, so it's no surprise they don't want to talk.

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Thank you, Lark. Hoping for the best.

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LMAO! Thanks, Billy!

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Thank you, jmk. I went through this with my mom and sister, too. Chemo was hard on both of them. It's nasty stuff, but necessary.

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Gives new meaning to "hair of the dog".

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That's not Kim . . . the butt's too small.

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Could be worse ... he could be getting noticed.

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Love folks who come along and kick the ball into an unguarded net in an empty stadium.

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