I'm sorry - is their name really the Bumgardners?

Also - I'm just not picking up what Judge Atherton is laying down - it doesn't make any sense at all.

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Are you sure that isn't a Rain Dance?

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Does Tennessee not have a Judicial Standards Board of some sort, or name, or bqhatevr?

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Jesus! What is it with these people? There are no hetero and homo marriages. There's just marriages. Everything else remains the same. Oh, except for that no pizza at wedding receptions, but that's more a guideline than a rule.

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Well, I guess if this douchcanoe understands that Jebus spoketh about how divorce is bad, but never about the gheys, he is getting somewhere. It is misguided BS, but it's somethin'.

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But, they can still be stoned, right? I mean, that's still in the Bible (I think). So, if they have to continue to live together, they can at least get baked so it's more tolerable.

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Still not as loud as the conservaturds dog whistles.

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The judge should be disbarred. He can't take it out on random people because he's upset at the Supreme Court. What did these people do wrong? If you want to protest the SCOTUS, go get a sign and do so. But why punish average Americans who just want to live their lives?

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These people. It seems as though they enjoy leaving an upper-decker in their own toilets.

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Umm... Tennessee has "No Fault" divorce if you both agree to "irreconcilable differences" as the issue.

I are not an Lawyer, but... I have been divorced. About 2200 bucks in fees, presto, magico, and let the healing begin.

It only gets crazy and expensive if you pursue the fault path... bad as you might want to do that.

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That may have been the grounds for divorce alone: Dear Judge Person, I am tired of being called a bum gardener.

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Well, this isn't at all what I pictured when hearing about "a Judge using his gavel to make love happen."

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If anything, divorce is the legal act that has biblical problems, so it has nothing to do with the gays, and he should be imprisoned just like the other bible lady.

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As things stand, they have a 60 day cooling off period if they have no kids and a 90 day cooling off period if they do have kids before a court date can be set in TN.

And that's if the thing is uncontested.

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Why, are you married to some Red Lobster shares?

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Not only a heterosexual marriage, but likely a couple of "christian" souls as well: 10 When they were in the house again, the disciples asked Jesus about this. 11 He answered, "Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery against her. 12 And if she divorces her husband and marries another man, she commits adultery." -- Mark 10:10-12

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