I read his name, and thought he should be Gay.

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You know, there was once a time in this historically corrupt snakepit of a state where the governor actually <a href="https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Miriam_A._Ferguson#Views_and_policies" target="_blank">drove the Klan out</a>. I mean, sure a corrupt governor (is there any other kind?) but still.

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It's "awfully short-sighted" said the playground bully's tag-along.

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Unfortunately, it's the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

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There's a George Rekers joke in there somewhere.

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David Duke is pretty bad, but wait'll they find Scalise's associations with George "Dubya" Bush and Dick "Less" Cheney.

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I suspect he's more like Samsonite without the baggage.

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Funny how the claim that racism in America no longer exists comes from the same right-wing sites whose comment sections for years have functioned as steaming cesspits of openly racist commentary and insults.

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<i>As House Republican whip, Scalise will play a crucial role in determining the fate of the President’s bipartisan legislative priorities — like trade — over the next two years</i>

the GOP really has been trying to reach out to a greater diversity of bigots.

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Just because Louisiana and nazi doesn't automatically stupid ... oh, wait, yes. Yes, it does.

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