I’m guessing that they turned off the WH lights for the sake of security and it was tactical. I also think Trump ain’t there. And, his aides need to be fired for suggesting that HE should be put on a listening to black people tour.
I’m also gonna guess that the Boogaloos define themselves up front as anarchists so that they can sabotage AntiFa while being the “3%s” that they aim to be. If it’s not intentional, then it sure is convenient.
In many ways, this is a particularly honest statement of what Drumpf and the reactionary base believe: Any threat must be met with force, and not doing so is a sign of weakness. As a bonus, they continue to misunderstand the physical property of "hardness" as compared to overall strength. Tip, what is hard can still shatter, what is strong can still bend.
The governors are weak eh? Sounds like Projecty McProjecterson is projecting bigly.
Calls in a battleship faster than a hospital ship.Bunker baby ... sad weak poop poop poop
Nothing says strong like hiding under your fucking bed.
I’m guessing that they turned off the WH lights for the sake of security and it was tactical. I also think Trump ain’t there. And, his aides need to be fired for suggesting that HE should be put on a listening to black people tour.
I’m also gonna guess that the Boogaloos define themselves up front as anarchists so that they can sabotage AntiFa while being the “3%s” that they aim to be. If it’s not intentional, then it sure is convenient.
In many ways, this is a particularly honest statement of what Drumpf and the reactionary base believe: Any threat must be met with force, and not doing so is a sign of weakness. As a bonus, they continue to misunderstand the physical property of "hardness" as compared to overall strength. Tip, what is hard can still shatter, what is strong can still bend.
"Where we go one we go all" should refer to prison for Trump and henchmen.
Ah yes, big tax increases to fund government, that thing anarchists famously love.
How about "Starchy Bunker"?
I really need a better camera, but this is what i got t0day https://uploads.disquscdn.c...