trump's version of "'I'm rubber you're glue" Won't stand up in court. He can't circumvent the US Constitution the House shall have power to impeach. Period!

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Donald J. Trump and the "J" stands for jowls!

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I don't think so either. Roberts isn't going to save him to the detriment of his legacy. He's subtly trying to make himself into sort of an Earl Warren type CJ

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Hard to believe that people who actually passed a bar exam were involved in the creation of that 8-page fiction. Do you think they can spell "disbarment"?

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Interesting thought...the Constitution says impeachment on 2/3 of “members present.” Might be a way for #moscowmitch and his bitchez to allow impeachment while still being able to say “I didn’t vote for it.” Just have any GOP member with no integrity (Fact Check: AOT, K) skip the final vote. PABOTUS gets impeached by a vote of 47 - 0.

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The Dumbfuck can't hire competent lawyers. (A), they expect their client to take their fucking advice, and (B) they expect to get paid.

Instead, he's got half-assed legal beagles flailing and failing as they try to follow his orders. (You know, the infinite wisdom oozing from his good brain.)

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"The J stands for (very stable) jenius."

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In this case, Federal judges will deliver that very message.

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The Dumbfuck is giving the orders; his attorneys are just following them. There's no legal argument because the Dumbfuck doesn't know the law, and no Constitutional argument because he doesn't know the Constitution.All he knows is bullshitting, posturing and empty bravado, and that's exactly what we're seeing.

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Doyle is a Dem, so not too shocking. OTOH, he's from the same district that sent Rick Santorum to Congress, so he may be going out on a limb just a bit with the brain-dead demographic.

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You can smell Putin's presence clear across the Atlantic.

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They're not making a legal argument because they're trying to poison the jury -- or in this case, the jury (the Senate) via the voting public. That's why they're doing it over fucking Twitter. That, and the reasons Beelzebubba points out.

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Would probably be subject to Senate Rules (on quorums for instance), but interesting.

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Molson libelz!

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Delay, delay, delay. That's the only reason for this Trump nonsense. Even a right wing supreme court will be obligated to reject Trump's B.S. But more delays always help the perp.

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