Was it a spray bottle of thoughts and prayers?

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Or abuse if she doesn’t call the hospital or the police.

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Kellyanne abuses Kellyanne, just to feel like part of the team.

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That is a seriously fucked up song.

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To be fair to her if this is the typical chronology of events for a serial abuser he wont show any signs of his abusive nature till the woman is locked down in a long term relationship (typically sharing a home or marriage) and then the abuse starts.Then every act of violence is followed by compassion as the violence grows worse.I'm also guessing Hope Hicks had not seen the photos of the abuse at the point in time she was defending this guy.

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I think the issue for me is at what point in time did Kelly see photos of the abuse. If he only knew that Porter had been in an abusive relationship with his ex wives maybe he was willing to give it a pass which is bad enough but if he knew the scale of the abuse that makes it even worse. Same thing with Hicks.

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Feel better!

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Really, truly, honestly. Maybe you should get some masks. And carry hand sanitizer.

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Naa, I'm off them. But I did carry hand sanitizer while I was hon them.

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I'd gladly volunteer to help.

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I wonder if she had considered going to the police immediately after it happened.

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Jesus Christ that Hope HIcks makes the Whore of Babylon look like Mother Teresa.Is there any man she hasn't screwed?

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I got your back, let's go for it.

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And the one about what do you call a couple of gay Bobs? Oral Roberts.

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Should had him neutered instead, he'll just do it again.

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