ELEVENTY SEVEN even!!11!!!

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He's doing just what he did with Charlottesville. He wants to stick to his ignorant ways, bigotry, anti woman, sick shit, and still try to say he isn't. Both sides. He's such a good worker, hellava nice guy... means the NeoNazis are good people, they work hard at what they do. It's his supporters that need to get hit with this stuff, he'll never understand it. He's incapable in oh so many ways.

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Kellyanne also pointed out the wife beater is gone, and he is a close parallel to Trump, so...

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I lost all respect for her after that. She put her own political ambitions ahead of what was right. If it hadn't been for her, I think Franken would have been cleared by that ethics investigation.

Plus, she's also a former Republican, so she can go to hell.

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I find Kellyanne a grim curiosity. She clearly loathes Trump and quite possibly most of the men associated with him, and despite her denials I do think their open disdain for women upsets her. But they pay her and she gets some association with power, and so she keeps on working for them. I feel slightly sorry for Huckabee-Sanders, because she's a product of a fucked up evangelical background pushed by the likes of her child sexual assault defending father, where women are subordinate to men and obedience to authority is the highest good. Kellyanne, though, is worse. Kellyanne is utterly amoral and, sadly, does what she does because above all else she is a professional.

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Yes, because Republican investigations turning up literally nothing on Democratic politicians have an excellent track record of making right wing talking points based on them disappear.

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Nice. Justify more fucked up behavior with the Bible. His I'm sure that's what Rob did with his women comment made me throw up in my mouth.

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There's a guy who raped a three year old because... wait for it.. she asked for it.

We are fucked.

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Well, at least the wife beater/raper/abusers haven't accused the women of asking for it yet or claiming that they are the victims.

Hah, j/k-they did that immediately and probably as they were beating and abusing their beloved women.

All I can say is, come on justice!

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oof. can't upvote that.

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Not to mention adultery - Lewandowski and DJT. And Mr. Trump had a child "out of wedlock."

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Exactly. It just demonstrates how completely out of touch they are, even on an issue as "DUH!" as spousal abuse. It's the same issue with their racism.

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And Adam Schiff spins in his chair and says, "We don't have a case."

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So now it's politically incorrect to put a cigarette out on your wife, and punch her in the face? I don't even know this country anymore. Thanks, LIBTARDS!!!

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(sniffles) and there was the incredibly clumsy woman who kept running into doors, falling down the stairs, and she blames me! (sob)

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Say, you know who didn't get even a hint of due process after being accused of ass grabbing by a few anonymous Trump supporters? Al Franken. Strangely, I don't remember president Pussgrab calling for any due process, even after Franken requested an ethics investigation.

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