There should be one state Wydahomonkota.

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I'm an atheist, but if anyone deserves nomination to sainthood, it's Chef Andres.

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Doesn't count unless Cary Grant says so.

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Oh bother, will Liz Taylor do?


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Kids are back in school where they can get free or reduced price lunches. But that will be gone in the summer when school is out. If only there was a program that would feed them over the summer. A federal program that would provide $36.6 million emergency nutrition program funding this summer. Just a dream I guess.

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"...if the rules for the federal program would just let states have more "flexibility" to "allow Montana to design a plan that meets its needs," then maybe the state would submit a request for funds."

What this means is Gianforte, his backers and his minions want to be able to stuff most of the $36.6m in their own pockets without the feds coming back later and asking questions.

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Or worse: those poor people are a trick of the Devil to make you think Prosperity Jesus Capitalism doesn't work. Don't fall for the trap!

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The "win-win" here is that cruelty and appeal to base are the same thing. They like it when their government hurts the right people.

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You've got to be cruel to be cruelIn every measureCruel to be cruelIt's the very design

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Agreed! There's an important lesson here about being able to find common ground with people we don't agree with.

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"I'd love to radish you."

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Subject-verb agreement is elitist.

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I cannot tell you how angry this makes me. Top it off with not being allowed to do "grab and go" or provide a "grab and go" breakfast and we're backsliding fast. A bit of OT good news: Both of the reich wing folks running for school board lost to retired educators - both of whom have dedicated a great deal of time and effort outside of school hours to actually educate the children.

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if the rules for the federal program would just let states have more "flexibility" to "allow Montana to design a plan that meets its needs," They need more $500/hr consultants to tell them how to make sure the users of the system can't afford more than mac n cheese or ramen.

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Ayup. “ This feels like cruelty for cruelty’s sake.”

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Or, more broadly, "conservative principles."

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