Umm, sewage plants are not supposed to expel shit into the environment, they are supposed to clean it all up.

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Rings absolutely true. I suppose there are still members of his staff who, for some unknowable reason, don't want to infuriate him and get fired. If it happened to some of them it could be set down as the one admirable thing on their records. "Trump got really mad with him and gave him the boot." "Really? Must be something good about the creep after all."But yes. "Don't let him set eyes on the John McCain, whatever else happens. He'd explode." I can hear someone saying it, in urgent, fearful tones.

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The day will probably come on which Barr is fired on the spot.

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That's reputedly what Stormy Daniels said. And the investigation into the campaign finance violation over her payoff is still chugging along. I doubt the last of that has been heard.

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She made a successful career in 'adult entertainment'.Funny and Likeable are probably more important, in the long run, than pneumatic boobs and smooth skin.

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IIRC correctly morale in the 7th fleet, I think that is the Pacific one, is completely tanked.IIRC again the USS J McC is damaged because the captain failed to give orders for navigation and the watch didn't give a fuck either and it hit a civilian freighter.

Specifically the CO did not set the Sea and Anchor watch, watchstanders had not attended the navigation brief, leadership failed to assign sufficient experienced officers, the CO issued unplanned orders which were not communicated to the watch officers, who in turn failed to provide input and backup to the CO.

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Don't.For that will lead to madness.

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I think of the daily emotional stress that his staff must suffer, and I smirk. Their souls are damned. They will be reincarnated as leeches, and will be used as panfish bait, squirming away at the end of a hook. They agreed to work for Donald Trump, and they deserve it.

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Probably went all the way up the chain to Javanka. Some (blameless) lowly junior Naval attache will take the fall, be exiled to some remote reach of the Pentagon, handed a toilet brush, and be told to get busy on his new assignment.

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The banality of evil. Thanks for reliably bringing the snark.

Jesus, even when Megs McCabe is kind of right, she's annoying as fuck. C'mon, girl, Trump is not actually keeping your late father from "resting." He is not doing Tasmanian devil dances from the Beyond. We've also lost a parent, but maybe our grief is less "unbearable" because our mother didn't have any warships to hang tarps on.She'd turn around the next day and vote for Trump anyways. Fuck her as usual.

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How 'bout a sewage barge?

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USS #BeBest

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The USS Barack Hussein Obama. Spelled in full.

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It doesn’t really matter whose idea it was to cover the McCain name with a tarp. If it was Trump’s, it shows his ridiculously petty nature and if it was his worried staff, it shows the same. Damned either way and deservedly so.

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Now I really think we need a John McCain impersonator to drive him over the edge. Haunt his ass until that cardiac arrest finally arrives. With votes.

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Rechristen? What else? The SS Donald J. Trump!

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