Yep. He's been in his job for decades and has a Presidential Medal of Freedom (a real one, not awarded by Trump) for his work on HIV and other infectious diseases. I don't think the things he's having to do now are in his job description or are things he's ever had to do before. I can't even imagine how it would feel after a lifetime of public service to have everything go completely to shit like this.

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WHAR civility? Murdered by Newt Gingrich, wasn't it? Or did it die in the McCarthy hearings?

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When Obama is asleep, he is smarter than Trump when he's pumped on Adderall.

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They mention executive privilege, but seldom use it officially. It's more like "We ain't gonna do it and you can't make us." Why? " Because we don't want to. "

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To his credit -- and this is a fucking first, and probably an only -- Pence apologized for his mistake in not wearing a mask at the Mayo.

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"The road to Hell is paved with 'good intentions'." Fauci could do us all a better "public service" by stepping away from the Orange Menace and challenge the lies OUT LOUD. Sleeping with the hounds will not rid them of fleas.

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Did he really? How about that!

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15. Gorgeous family who actually loves him

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He's just trying to optimize his profits under the new paradigm. No different than corporations with immunity to consequences of their own actions during CV. He's likely a R.

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I fear for his mental health.

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You already said that. And Rooster pointed out why you were wrong.

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it looks like a tone generator, hook a speaker up to the other side of the circuit and you can tell where it hooks up to

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16. Not afraid of stairs. 17. Can operate an umbrella 18. Not high on Adderall 24/7 19. Doesn't need Depends20. Doesn't live on fast food 21. Knows what the Constitution says 22. Has respect for women23. Doesn't make an ass of himself on Twitter24. Not a mobbed-up con man 25. Doesn't pit his kids against each other

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Can't drain the swamp when there's a big orange turd blocking the drain.

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I'm sure that's one of the reasons.

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how many people in the trump administration have apologized for something and still kept their jobs? this looks like good news for nikki haley, or princess ivanka

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