It's hard to totally avoid them.

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Bannon wrote it.

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Holy hairplugs, Batman! Oops...this was meant to go beneath Donald's whirlybird mishap below...

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Please help us to not split infinitives.

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All it was missing was "And World Peace!"

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Even his supposed sympathy (is that sympathy?) for the victims of the Holocaust is sprinkled with hero talk and how he, himself, will fix it all.Fuck this douche

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Bullshit. They are just wondering how they can do it, and take the credit for it now, but blame the democrats for the fall out later

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Oh good. She was the sane pick.

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Well, the thing is, the Nazis are HERE, now. And by the time It gets done whipping them into a killing frenzy with the Immigrant Crimes thing, America might be the worst choice of places to escape to.

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If only that were true <3

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"Yeah, there goes the lamestream media again, nitpicking every last little thing... " yeah, cause they claim it's their job or something. Like holding accountability something something boooooring, where's the prostrating themselves in front of mighty dear leader because he won all the things? Didn't dear leader win all the things in his most unpresidented victory?

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"You know how touchy people can be about that sort of thing." As if it really happened, LOL.

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Nothing against TX mom. A fascination with WW1, well, that's odd. And that's me. I have topographic maps of major battles of the western front. Have I mentioned recently that I'm an odd little muffin?

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In this dark hour of humanity, I sure as hell am looking for a light, any light, to shine through. Maybe I could shine a light in 45's right ear and see light coming out the left.

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Uh. "Presidency" shouldn't be capitalized in that particular usage. Unless the term itself now refers to only one person, making it a proper noun as opposed to a common noun. As in, you know, capitalizing, say, God, but you don't capitalize gods. So, Trump is President, but President Carter, was just a guy named Carter who was once the president.

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