Besides using some truly stupid names, the person making this map knows very little about at least parts of the Northeast, especailly in what they call "Catskill". First of all the people in the actual Catskills are very tied to New York City as are some other parts of the Hudson Valley and what appears to be some odd chunk of New Jersey that have been stuffed in this area.Also, only the very western parts of NY state is really that conservative. That would tie the rest of us liberals in Central NY to conservatives and virtually doom us, which also would happen to the Pittsburgh area in PA. Sticking Delaware into "Atlantica" and not "Chesapeake" is stupid as fuck.

And sticking Atanta into the asburd "Chickamauga" area with mostly conservative parts of some other states to the west does that same thing. Does the person who drew that part of the map work for Georgia Republicans? And that's not even counting the fact that the actual location of Chickamauga (near Chattanooga) in southeastern Tennessee and northwestern Georgia is in the "Appalachian" area not "Chickamauga".

The people who made this absurd map know virtually nothing about the geography and ideology of this country.

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Do you perhaps mean the Fountainbleu Hotel in Miami Beach?


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I haven't been through those counties lately, at least not stopping, but then you don't see many politcal signs on 17 or the Thruway. So I was not aware of that.

As for Utica, well yes you are right, and there are some parts of Centrat NY that are more conservative than others, but there still are plenty of liberal spots here, certainly more so than Western NY.

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are you implying the election gets rigged? ;)

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So you're a white nationalist. It's very embarrassing for you.

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Oh looky look hehehehe a fresh turd just dropped out of Trumps stinky asshole and then came here to WonkyLand to tell us off hahahhaa. Trumpys suckshit tru a straw aint that right punkinpuss.JOTARD & HOTARD and DOTARD all rhyme with WETARD. The three dingleberries.

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And he needs to fire tons more. Fuck off fascists, and good luck getting hired anywhere else. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Fuck off and die, fascist scum. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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"You're fired because I'm the owner now and I don't like you. Now do piss off, you fat twat."- Rebecca Welton, 'Ted Lasso'

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I have a tiny disagreement with you over architectural style. The fact is most modern architecture is gross. Acknowledging that there are exceptions to the rule, the fact is that buildings today are built cheap and ugly. Look around any established early 20th century neighborhood in an American city and compare the homes built then with the hideous monstrosities erected today. Go to a national park and look at the work the CCC did compared to ugly public buildings slapped up today. Rant over.

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He doesn't know much about art, but... yeah, he actually doesn't. He doesn't much care, either. Doesn't know anything about honesty. Doesn't know much about anything else, for that matter. But he was elected president, and I am still scared shitless.. VOTE!! I am preaching to the choir, to the elders, fer chrissakes. If we vote in massive numbers, then at least we can be standing on our hind legs.

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Is is painful to be that stupid, or does your ass get numb after a while?Blocked, because A IDIOT.

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Any such map that's missing Pennsyltucky is clearly nonsensical.

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And yet, even Louis deJoy is still there, continuing to destroy the U.S. Postal Service's ability to deliver mail-in ballots, or even get vital mail to rural businesses. Where I live, in small town Utah, three nearby post offices have been closed - all of them in progressive hamlets, none in nearby, but much smaller, right-wing burgs. Utility, medical, and insurance bills arrive later than their 'late payment' due dates. Checks sent out sometimes aren't delivered for weeks. Mail order items are lost, or pointlessly shuttled to outlying post offices much farther away than the nearest PO. The Trumphumer hidden agenda to undermine democracy and progressivism is blatantly obvious in every single governance move the GQP has made. And yet, the Democrats in Congress are too limp to muster up a simple vote and eject this functionary troll because...it might hurt Mancin or Synema's feelings? Democratic politicians and party potentates need to suck it up and quit being useless sleepwalker speed bumps. Clean house. Win this. And lock it in.

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He could be recalled to duty for a day.

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In NM, we're emulating mud huts and we LIKE it.

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