The teabaggers have been distracted by other shiny objects lately. All it will take is a photo-op at the next pick-up game.

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Glad we got that cleared up. Now, back to snarking!

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It's an obvious ploy to replace the Secret Service in the White House with TSA-style rent-a-cops to lower Obama's security.

Plus the Republicans in Congress are fucking ass wipes.

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"Triple-coiled" is a noteworthy achievement of snark..

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Damn libs can't get it through their thick Constitution-hating heads that they lost...

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Obama XVI and Michelle Antoinette... Yeah we are exactly just like the ancien regime.

Especially you know cakes we like.

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The lesson wingnuttia has <i>still</i> not learned yet is that there is always some consequence for actions in politics. It may not be readily apparent immediately, but there was always going to be a price to be paid for indulging and encouraging the most outrageous and irresponsible voices on the right. It wasn't until last Election Day that it was clear how dear a price that was going to be.

And now they've gone back to pretending that it never happened. In their up-is-down little world, Bamz winning the election was an obvious acclamation that he needs to do everything they say.

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The real test will be if the subject comes up on the Sunday talk shows. Then we'll know the <i>Serious Grownups (TM)</i> think it is a <i>Real and Present Danger to Our Democracy (also TM)</i>

Or if Dok Z does it up with Ponies.

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and pee in Nobama's slippers

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of course we are, just ask us

no epistemic closure here, nosiree

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if Teh Donald has a spare 2.5 million laying around burning a hole in his pocket he obviously can afford to have a couple of those loopholes closed or Cod forbid, his rate raised...

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Brooks and Friedman are already writing their columns as we speak

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And did they ever get Bear out of there after he helped save the world. (RIP MCD)

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Faux Outrage - all day, every day, all the time, every time, 24/7, 365, also, too.

I'm thinking they have Faux Outrage training camps to get them prepared. Else whyn't they all fall over and perish from exhaustion.

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