Without a doubt!!!!

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She rites the damn good sheit!

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"You can fire anything there."What, even a Trump?

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White guys with guns met by Black Panthers with guns. Leave with brown stains in pants.

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It was a different time. A better time.

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I've been to Bitche a number of times. My wife got her wedding dress there. I'm not a Francophone, but she is.

One of our favorite places in that area is Wissembourg, a beautiful old walled town.


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Yeah, but...but...JEWS!!!1

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OK, maybe it was Serbs or Whos or something. But it was definitely someone!!11!

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ah, gorgeous! i’ll be in the area again this june, i’ll see if my father is up for a road trip. thanks!

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I'm glad to see an unexpected outcome ... http://www.gannett-cdn.com/...

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Ironically, A Christmas Story is set in Cleveland.

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We gotz to re writ that pesky 2nd commandment to says only white gun nuts can have gunz and nutz,did you see that big ole scary blah women what was carryin that scatter gun,that shit right there just aint right hell bet she aint never had no gun learnin and could hurt somebodies with that thing,didnt Saint Ronnie take care of that shit back in the 60's these here damn law breakers need to be took care of and stop oppressing our jeebus given rights as white men to scare the fucking shit out of blackie with our gunz and ropes

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Waiting for the wingnut lawsuit claiming that the Founders' Original Intent was obviously for white people to bear arms. Too bad Scalia's not around to find in their favor.

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With tattoos???? Please tell me they had tattoos. I am eagerly awaiting a picture of Church ladies with tattoos carrying shotguns.

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Der Frie(dfood)korps

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