Yeah, definitely hits different now than when it debuted on the MTV. I never was mad at her for the Citizen Kane spoiler because then I could pretend I saw it.

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To quote from the Book of Mr. Paul Mooney (RIP) this heffa is confident she has "the complexion for the protection from the collection" of her ass to jail. We will see.

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In some countries she'd have been executed months ago.

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Every single one of tRump's Nazi terrorists needs to be given the maximum sentence, especially the ones who smugly flaunt their utter disdain for the law.

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Duck blonde skinned white haired lady!!!!

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Yo Bradley: if your “best friend of 12 years robbed my apartment, stole my cat, and hacked my personal Instagram with 100,000+ followers“ U R DOIN BFS RONG!

Also your tragic tragic circumstances could have been much worser dude! Whut if your best buddy had “hacked your apt, robbed your cat and stole your Instagram?”

So lighten up and be grateful my dude!

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My Montana gramma used to say that. She was a good person but also a product of her times. No excuse but I do think she was also educable. She came around pretty quickly to accepting my gay cousin her granddaughter.

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But if you were to speculate…

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Her memoir coming out: I was the Duff at Trump's Failed Coup.

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She's trash, but if it's 60 days, that means she'll he in jail for White Christmas.

I bet that will make her super mad, because she's a Good Christian Lady, and that she can't have her ritualized box-opening tweet-a-thon joy-joy-fakery, well that is sacrilege.

And since I'm writing Jan Sixx Fanfic, if you're listening Goddess: Can you send another cold snap/black-out/grid fail while she's inside cooling her high-and-mighty heels? Just to make it memorable for her?

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"(note - i am not threatening a sitting senator, I am alluding to his age)"

I think you can make direct threats now...Or so it seems...The right does it ALL THE TIME and not ONCE have I seen consequences for it...

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Oh yeah, poor thing. No wonder she tried to take over the Capitol. What's a RWNJ chick to do?

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I heard it was called Wallflower at the Coup.

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The Just Us justice system put a Black teenager in Rikers for stealing a back pack for 3 years. They finally let him out since he hadn't stolen anything. If he'd been white and blond he wouldn't have been falsely arrested.

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She did a parody on her own song when Palin reared her head.


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"Throw the book at her?" After reading the excellent WaPo feature article yesterday wrt to 1/6 it has become more clear than ever that our entire justice system simply does not believe that middle class white people can even be considered criminals. From the FBI to the Capitol Police to the National Guard and Pentagon to the House and Senate security and Sgts at Arms, nobody took the voluminous warnings of violent, dangerous and coordinated uprisings the least bit seriously, because white middle class people simply don't riot. At every step of the way they were given the benefit of the doubt, given wide leeway, given a pass, while the system turned a blind eye to their obvious conspiring to commit armed domestic terrorism in plain sight on social media all across the nation. Red flags the size of skyscrapers were going off everywhere, yet at every turn leadership told those trying to pull the fire alarm to stand down, because white people can't possibly be guilty of the sort of thing law enforcement routinely infiltrates and hounds minority groups hoping to discover.

And in the aftermath of 1/6 we see the same sort of disparity in treatment. It's been a parade of milquetoast hand slap punishments meted out- a bunch of misdemeanors no more serious than a parking ticket. DoJ has completely punted in bringing any sort of justice for the people to the insurrectionists that stormed the Capitol. Contrast that to the heavy hand applied in the BLM protests; the armored vehicles and helicopters, the people snatched off streets by unmarked vans, the kettling and tear gas and beanbag rounds, the mass arrests and heavy fines and felony sentences for even minor incursions. Nobody worried about "the optics" back then. Imagine if hundreds of Muslims tried to storm the Capitol- what the difference in response would be. Imagine if was BLM or "ANTIFA" or a caravan of immigrants and how law enforcement would deal with them before, during and after?

This has been the most remarkable and glaring example of the double standard of white privilege I have ever seen in my life. I was utterly shocked at the hubris and the sense of entitlement of the clowns who thought they had the right to march into Washington and throw a violent tantrum to forcibly overthrow an election they lost. But I am even more shocked by the reaction of the system that appears to be completely OK with letting them get away with it with nothing more than a sternly worded letter and a pinky swear not to do it again. The system seems perfectly good with treating this all as a giant "oopsie" and wants nothing more than to sweep it all under the rug and memory hole the whole thing as quickly as possible...

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