And in nearby Skegness there was a roller coaster called the Zyklon.

The Daily Mail pretended to care about a similar one in Floridahttp://www.dailymail.co.uk/...

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And someone explain spray tans as well.

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It's hardly shocking that they swept up a it's of the anti-woman gamergate trash.

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https://uploads.disquscdn.c... Here is a picture of white genocide, born in Kenya to my lily white niece. No, his name isn't Barack.

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Who, other than these people, literally, actually gives a fuck? Like, at the very least someone with a high school education can easily convince themselves that past a certain point purebred=inbred. That's pretty much what happened to the European nobility. I mean, I know these people are stupid, but this stupid?

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Thank you, enjoy the buffet!

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As a Russian Jew I'll be the first to tell you that selecting breeding partners exclusively within your in-group leads to all kinds of fun genetic disorders, some previously unknown to medical science. But, since these assclowns wouldn't listen to a Jew if he told them not to light a cigarette next to a gas pump, there's little risk of them learning from our mistakes.

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When I lived in Louisiana I was frequently infuriated by white people who assumed that, simply because I look like a white person, I shared their racist opinions. My DNA is nobody's business but my own, and people who make assumptions about me are in for a surprise. Now, when people say something stupid like "But you're white" I raise my eyebrows and smile and say "Oh, really??? How would you know?" I get funny looks sometimes. People hate to have their stupid assumptions challenged. I have stopped checking boxes on forms that ask for my race. I check "Other" and write in "Human." This really pisses some people off. :-)

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Yup. But The Orange One has encouraged them to raise high their treason flags and they see this as their last, best chance to fuck everybody else over forever.

We live in interesting times. Frightening, too.

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With pictures of Oswald Mosley on the wall?

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PetaQs, all of them.

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I look forward to watching them lose their shit (OK, not literally, as I do have a functioning sense of smell) when their Cheeto Caligula is dethroned.

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In case no one has posted this yet in this thread:


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Now, do we have the Trumpians and the Trump administration calling "white lives matter" a racist movement like they did for BLM?


"White genocide" is when they talk about how "immigration" is a deliberate attempt by people (dunno who exactly, probably the Illuminati) to "white genocide" the white race from the face of the earth by "mixing their pure white blood" with that of the tainted mudbloods "other" races.

I've seen this over and over online.

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In Nashville?

I find that incredibly difficult to believe. Now in the hinterlands, for sure.

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As a typical West European Yankee, I'm sure I also have Moorish, Mongolian, and best of all, Neanderthal DNA. Hell, there isn't a Nazi around who's even pure Human

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