The court better stock up on tissues with all the crying these defendants are going be doing.

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Millennials as a whole are more progressive than the general population. Remember that 4channers, GamerGaters, MRA's, etc. don't represent young people as a whole. They are a small population mostly of disaffected white men. That already shitty people are becoming even shittier is worrying, but not really a revelation.

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Well, OK. But not the Irish!!

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Twitter is virtually the internet so it must be true.

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Oh boy; lot to unpack here.

1. For the guy shooting at the protester; you're horrible on multiple levels. You're a white supremacist, attempted murderer AND a crappy shooter. It's almost as offensive you missed an unaware target maybe ten feet away that you had clear line of sight on as it is that you tried to shoot him in the first place.2. While I understand the police may have been concerned about the larger group of anti-fascists simply because of their size compared to the white supremacists, they botched pretty much everything they could about their handling of.,. Well, pretty much everything.3. I'm a bit more empathetic toward the people who recorded the beating instead of jumping in to help. It's easy to say you would jump in to help right away, but putting that into action is another story, and at least there's a record of the attack so the criminals can be prosecuted. You know, when the police get around to it.

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Just out of curiosity, has anyone tried bringing a live skunk or two to one of these rallies?

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They do, all the time. "Look at the Antifa person using a flame thrower on someone!"

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I kind of enjoyed the dada of grampa crotch flower being defended from nazis by a shirtless kid wielding the flaming rustoleum of righteousness.

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Oh, they did.

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Don't worry, they're here (there already)... damn, that "Send in the Clowns" reference attempt didn't really work out. Never mind.

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Thank goodness you survived! (Me, I was just five blocks away.)

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The one with the long green dick?

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The Flaming Hairspray of Justice!

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Second this!

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I knew that dude was protecting ti old dude. Both sides do it my ass. Mr. Long is a fucking hero

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