"I know knossink! But if I do, Trump is ze one who knew it first!"

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So it could be another bout of denial, but I'm looking at history with this thing. I was an adult through Watergate, and I see so many parallels. The big picture, to me, is the trajectory of this asshole and his administration. Nixon didn't just up and resign. It took a long time, with lots and lots of turmoil along the way before he finally left. It was drip, drip, drip. Same thing here. The trajectory for Donnie is down. (That they had to have a brain storming session to come up with a list of his accomplishments says plenty.) During the long nightmare of Watergate, Nixon's trajectory was downward (although it wasn't a straight line.) Donnie's trajectory is downward, and though he has his "presidential" moments (according to some), the trend is still downward. I'm trying to be patient. Watergate was a long slog, but I lived through it. I'm taking that attitude here.

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First time I was cat-called, I was 12. A bunch of construction workers building a house yelled stuff I didn't understand at me as I rode my bike through my own neighborhood.

I guarantee not one of them realized how pedo-ey they were being, either. To them, having bewbs in public is reason enough to harass and humiliate.

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I think that is right.

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wait...so deals he made with the government for a government lease while he was still a "private citizen" who happened to be both a reality TV star host (not a private citizen) and a candidate for POTUS (also too not a private citizen) don't count as violations of the Emoluments Clause AND AND AND he is free of liability because he won the election even though he could be tried as a "private citizen" for things he said while campaigning. can we get an agreement on what the fuck he is? because he doesn't seem to even know.

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so he is retroactively famous and was just grabbing her by the pussy which she knows, as a now famous person, means that she just let him do it?

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You know what other punk-ass Nazis said they were merely following the orders of their leader? Yeah, those Nazis. Way to go, tough guy.

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The pointy thing on the top of the flag ple is called a pike. You should write that down, because it will be on the test.

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These fellows don't have to worry about that, because I doubt any of them are hung.

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That's because they have no real-world data on the subject, so they can believe any crazy old thing that happens to pop -- or get inserted -- into their heads.

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Seriously. Middle age sucks in some ways, but freedom from the high testosterone levels of youth is not one of them --- as long as you can still get a boner when you need one, that is.

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Starting to sound as confusing as those Sovereign Citizen whackos...

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Distraction and escapism have helped me a lot. Reading (something other than political commentary), learning something new, playing immersive video games. Every day I don't spend keeping myself relentlessly updated on current events is usually a good day psychologically. You can keep yourself informed enough to do your part in all this without destroying your psyche.I've stopped drinking almost completely since 11/9, too, but I've been using cannabis to sleep (instead of the pharmaceuticals I had been prescribed). Those two details have combined to dramatically improve my quality of life.It's cliché, but exercise regularly, even if you hate it and it seems pointless and ridiculous.Oh, and start paying your bills and do your taxes. Making even a little bit of progress every day will make you feel better about yourself.

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Missile goes up, missile comes down. You can't explain that.

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OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! he's a sovereign citizen. that explains EVERYTHING. thanks.

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With cedar cheese!

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