Now THAT would be a superpower!

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Now geography is kicking their ass. What next?

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Agree! It's just like when they worry that the U.S. is loosing its #1 SuperPower position in the world.

I look forward to that day.

Being the world's top bully who's constantly bragging about being the #1 SuperPower is not my idea of a healthy prosperous nation.

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They were going to call it niggermammyering but decided that was too obvious.

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“Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.”-Barry Goldwater

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The day is young. Wander over to Gawker if you are looking for the derp in full drag.

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Last night I "discovered" these at the gas station. If this isn't a fuckbiscuit, nothing is.

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"Are there any reporters in here?” she said. “Any reporters? OK. So, inside ball game.”

Attention, Ms. Adkins. The mike is always on. Always.

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News flash, Sparky: Kids will be allowed to vote one day, assuming they don't get sucked into the "zero tolerance" school-to-prison pipeline. Felons are permanently disenfranchised.

(And please don't come back with any horseshit about how they can apply to the governor blah blah blah. You and I know that almost never happens.)

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For glob's sake, I'm more cautious when Mrs. Ideal is using Skype to play World of Warcraft. If I hear appropriately furious mouse clicks, I'll refrain from asking things like "what the hell did you do to make my butt hurt so much?*" It's a safe bet that mic's hot.

*spoiler: surprise 7-mile Crystal Cove hike

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As is the camera. And oops, almost forgot, the gun is always loaded.

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And Planned Parenthood!!11!!!eleven!

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It's pretty shitty when relegating the population to dystopian arcologies would make better district bounties. "The people of Tower FL12 have spoken loud and clear: NO DARKIES"

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To steal from John Oliver, there actually IS a shadow government controlling everything for nefarious ends. Except it's not a trio of world leaders meeting at a secluded lodge in Zurich, but rather a band of pasty bureaucrats grumbling in a windowless conference room in Lansing, Michigan.

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Man, I am so glad I'll be dead of oldage real soon.

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In these times of computers there is no way someone can defend gerrymandering and not look like a cheating dick. It would be easy enough to write a programme that would come up with grouping of equal voters in each constituency.

I know both sides do it, but surely SOMEONE will stand up and go "Look, this sucks donkey dick"?

(No, no they won't, in case they lose)

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