For a while in Kansas, there was a fad of holding "Fred-a-thons" where people would pledge money for every how the Westboro Baptists would keep up their protests. I recall a small town college LGBT club getting a lot of good local publicity for raising money for their local volunteer fire department.

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The problem with White Supremacists seems to be that their prefrontal lobes NEVER develop. They are the Peter Pans of political movements.

If age is a factor then it is possible that some of these jerks may develop out of this stage.

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Son of a bitch, again?? I just got the shots?

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Apparently it's not that hard from them to trust trump, but it inevitably ends in betrayal. For trump, loyalty is a one way street and there's a big bus coming down that street.

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It's one more cry for attention.

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No dinner and foreplay first?

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I blame Hollywood. /s

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Maybe they won't be silenced, but nobody wants to listen to them anyway.

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White male privilege is a helluva drug. They think they'll never suffer any consequences for their actions. Sometimes they're right, but more often than not these days, they're wrong. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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I lived in HB in the early 90's. Although it was conservative it wasn't what we see going on there today. Unlike other beach cities in Orange County HB seems to be the gathering spot for areas further inland. This could be due to ease of access/parking, blending business areas along Main Street into the beach, and having almost no residential areas on the beaches. It's become the go-to beach for the redder parts of Orange and Riverside Counties.

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That sign! "Nazi Punks Fuck Off" is one of my favorite songs!

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Update: They charged him with child endangerment.

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It's a German affectation.

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You mean doesn't. Blanket NSA surveillance has been here for a few decades.

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He could have driven Golf Cart One or had it driven for him.

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Just ask any cat or dog about getting its temperature 'taken'! Examinations are not voluntary, repeat, not voluntary.

Now if only we could force them to wear the cone of shame. Or get them fixed; calms them down, and benefits society.

Rick Perry: Call of Duty!!!!!

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