All of us getting along and working side by side is anathema to the Fucker Carlsons of the world b/c it directly contradicts their worldview. Never mind that their worldview is entirely counter-factual. I'm a working-class white woman. I have far more in common with other working-class folks than I do with rich fuckwads like Carlson. He can eat a bag of dicks!
These pendejos are the kind of douchenozzles who are so fearful and insecure of diversity, that when they hear somebody talking in a language they don't understand, always assume somebody's talking shit about him. I've seen it happen many times, and it's always the same type of dude.
Not gonna click on the Daily Stormer link, but absent any context it seemed to me that the "gigantic man" is supposed to be Trump. Which seems to fit, girth-wise.
If David Duke and Richard Spencer and any prominent white nationalist you can think of doesn’t want slavery to return then no one of any influence in white society does.
"YES!" The words "with liberty and justice for all" should always be spoken as if they were in all caps.
That was my reading of it also too.
All of us getting along and working side by side is anathema to the Fucker Carlsons of the world b/c it directly contradicts their worldview. Never mind that their worldview is entirely counter-factual. I'm a working-class white woman. I have far more in common with other working-class folks than I do with rich fuckwads like Carlson. He can eat a bag of dicks!
These pendejos are the kind of douchenozzles who are so fearful and insecure of diversity, that when they hear somebody talking in a language they don't understand, always assume somebody's talking shit about him. I've seen it happen many times, and it's always the same type of dude.
Duke. Anything else is just too damned spicy.
They are not alone.
Godzilla is quite a problem, what with all the stomping and nuclear breath-ing.
But...but...but...they can always hire Wanton Wanda and her Wicked Whips!
Bow ties are expensive : )
Not gonna click on the Daily Stormer link, but absent any context it seemed to me that the "gigantic man" is supposed to be Trump. Which seems to fit, girth-wise.
Apparently the moderators think my posts are far too exciting for their retarded readership.
Your kids voted for Macron or the Socialist candidate, right? Or are you French Canadian?
Can’t have Paris being a safe tourist destination again.
Oh dear. It seems there is no orange crayon to represent our Dear Leader
You don’t know what an “ad hominem” is.
If David Duke and Richard Spencer and any prominent white nationalist you can think of doesn’t want slavery to return then no one of any influence in white society does.
But there are plenty of people who make and like videos like this: