It’s always been the same way. Get your weaponised losers, fire them up and burn those straw dogs.

You get glory, they get death. The traditional right wing social compact.

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Not even.


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Famous Twitter lawyer T. Greg Doucette says that in his opinion the NPVIC would be unconstitutional and unenforceable

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But we can't make their bail too high, oh no, wouldn't want to keep them off the streets or anything.

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there's also the factor of hyper-consumerism to figure in; That faulty concept where what capital you "own" is an extension by and of your identity. A lot of these "fed up" fathers are in the same venn diagram where kids are essentially property. Of course, this all falls not to far off the macho authoritarian tree where the kids are seen not heard, and father knows best.Therefore, in the wingnuts mind: Society (and their loins) push them into fatherhood without the economic and social skills to maintain the lifestyle, then the spouse is taking away their identity + is backed up by the powerful forces of civil justice.They have a psychotic break that springboards off their assorted childhood traumas, blaming the system and women and liberals and everything but themselves.America needs a whole lot of mental health care all the way around.

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In explaining this, he compared Democrats and the media to a school bully named Steve who goes around taking everyone's lunch money and everyone knows he's taking their lunch money, but Steve gets mad when people mention he's taking their lunch money because it could lead to violence against him.

Wait, he did an analogy involving a school bully who gets made when people point out he's a bully and Trump was not the bully in this analogy?



Compute. https://media2.giphy.com/me...

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It's really sad and stupid how the phrase "labor rights", which would literally make most people's lives 100 times better, is treated like being a violent pedophile in the US.

Unions aren't perfect. But they deserve a seat at the table.

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Eh, PBS is part of a non-profit corporation that receives federal funding. They're not part of the state government.

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One of the Koch fantasies was a constitutional convention, where they'd be able to rewrite all the "rules" for a modernized theological corporatocracy. All the state delegates in that convention would be bought and paid for stooges of various stripes. The idea was to make things so lousy during the Obama era that reasonably minded progressives would beg for it. That end goal is still on the table, and they're closer than ever to controlling statehouses enough to push an amendment for it.

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What is a little asshole without.... Projection? https://media0.giphy.com/me...

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WTF? I thought they were ugly enough when Obama was president

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After looking at his feed, I judge his opinion likely bullshit, but this SCOTUS would invalidate the compact anyway, so...he's 'right? I guess?.

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Content warning, so yeah, you're right.

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This is by far the most ridiculous thing to me. Biden was the most boring candidate put forward. The most traditionally normal of the bunch. A dyed in the wool moderate. He got the nomination because he was the least scary.

All the sudden he's a scary communist? wtf.

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I don't know.

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Yeah I hear you. We the people certainly don't benefit from divide and conquer. The entities that promote it (Global Mega-Corp., Oligarch Club, and Republican politicians) really don't have our best interests at heart. That being said it would be nice if the other side showed a little empathy or self-awareness.

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