She did something that did not work out as hoped. Like Warcriminal Bush in Iraq and LBJ in Vietnam, but a LOT fewer people died.

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They pay for the publishing rights.

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I have known and been friends with sex workers. Most were either substance abusers and/or mentally ill, but not all. One was caught in a money crisis because her husband left her with no notice and the rent was due, so it was sell sex or become homeless. I knew one who had utter contempt for jobs that paid the minimum wage and she didn't have any skills to get paid better. When Clinton, working with the Blue Dogs and the Republicans, cut off welfare benefits, some women became drug mules or sold sex. No one looks at the economic, mental health, and substance abuse problems that women have to make it possible for women (and marginalized girls, boys, and men) to do well without becoming a sex worker. I admit, I haven't known anyone who actually enjoyed the job, although some women claim they do. So I am politically incorrect.

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Yes. I read a summary of a study done in the UK. Because so many women were being trafficked and forced, the study asked the men if they knew the women were trafficked, forced into sex work, had their passports taken away, abused, etc. Almost all the research subjects knew or suspected the abuse and virtually none considered it a problem. Likewise, they had no interest in calling the police to report the women's plight or rescue them.

It's a way of saying that they are assholes.

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This was at a time when the overall murder rate, which peaked in 1994, was rapidly declining. There is no evidence that Craig's List, Back Page, etc. had anything to do with it. I suspect it had some effect, however, because it made customers somewhat traceable and trackable. Sex workers have always traded information on the street, in "massage" parlors, brothels, and through escort type services.Of course, the Long Island serial killer appears to have used Craig's List and he has never been caught.

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Clearly loveless and transactional marriages are legal (looking at you, Trumps!), which seems like long-term or contract-based sex work to me.

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Yep. Both Clintons and the Congressional Black Caucus regret pushing through their tough on crime legislation, but they were driven by their constituents and the advice they had at the time.

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THE CHILDREN!!! And before you start, I have 3 happy, thriving daughters, and 5(?!) grandchildren . This is some misguided bullshit, that's gonna drive young girls back into some dark f**king corners. I wouldn't trust a Republican on these issues farther than I could spit a rat.

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I mean, this to me seemed to be clearly a political calculation- even if she listened to other people over the sex workers, she had the feds telling her backpage was a resource, she knew it was responsive to requests. She made their lives unsafe anyway. It's not like the advice was one-sided.

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No mention of the Nordic model to end prostitution? No acknowledgement that in places where prostitution has been legalized- like Germany, sex trafficking has increased dramatically? The positions of the "sex-worker" organizations are not representative of the overwhelming majority of women in the sex trade. Prostitution is not inevitable. Men need to stop feeling entitled to sex on demand. There are many survivor organizations that issue statements about the realities of prostitution. I wish those voices were amplified by the enlightened left, instead of the statements of traffickers. I feel sick.

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The old crude joke. You always pay for sex. Its just a matter if its upfront or on the installment plan.

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A few of my clients are or have been sex workers. I do everything possible to keep them safe.

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There's probably no longer any Republican Senator interested in lawmaking based on the actual merits. It's just so insane, because lawmaking for them seems to be some sort of twisted negative-sum game that has nothing at all to do with any kind of benefit for voters.Moscow Mitch is the apotheosis of this deterioration and its continuing sickness.

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Your disgust is duly noted. You read the part where criminalizing does nothing to protect the people who are sex workers and actually increased the the violence and mistreatment perpetrated against them by both the police and those who seek to exploit them, right? What we really need to do is create a safety net that makes it possible for people to survive and thrive without having to sell their bodies as a last resort. After that it is all consenting adults doing what consenting adults do. (IMNSHFO)

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I oppose reserved employee parking on principal.

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Penelope Pineapple Peters, that you, gurl?

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