He "heard" that somewhere. Hey, I've heard things too!

I heard Sarah Palin™ is a no talent loser who can't keep her husband satisfied.

I heard Dubya Bush sat in stunned silence for seven minutes while his fellow citizens fought for their lives in hijacked airplanes on September 11th.

I heard Mitt Romney gets apoplectic with anger if you don't extend your pinky finger while drinking tea.

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Who auditioned the hot chick in the leather catsuit?

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I thought Republicans supported the reds now, since GWB came up with the expression 'Red State'.

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No Reds under MY bed; the dust bunnies'd eat them.

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Actually, "everything you know is wrong" is a pretty good description of West.

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I missed that quote, which is a serious fucking insult to the memory of Harriet Tubman.

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Do we get Linda Ronstadt back? Because that might make it worth the trouble.

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There's crazy, and then there's BUGFUCK crazy.

Accept no substitutes.

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I can not recommend too highly the documentary "The McCarthy Years" about Edward R. Murrow and Tailgunner Joe. It is absolutely outstanding!

Particularly relevant today is the speech by President Dwigt Eisenhower when he talks about in America we face our accuser. Given the ramifications of the Patriot Act, these are words well worth listening to and remembering.

As the conservatives do their level best to thrust us back into the 1950's, we all need to fully understand what that time and place really was like. Perhaps every six decades or so we have to go through this process, like a butterfly being born. Again.

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You're just jealous because The Voices talk to him and not you!

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I always get them confused - is he rockin' Kid or Play?

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And obviously he's afraid to debate you on the subjet.

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Well, Joe McCarthy <a href="http:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Joseph_McCarthy#Military_service" target="_blank">lied about his service, including forging a letter of commendation, to get himself a Distinguished Flying Cross</a>. Close enough.

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So how long before West's <a href="http:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/G._David_Schine" target="_blank">David Schine</a> shows up?

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Just not the actual 50s with its progressive income tax and massive highway building programs and high rates of unionization in manufacturing.

The Conservapedia 50s where Ronald Reagan was President and there was no tax because Ayn Rand. But wimminz knew their place (except for Ayn Rand and Phyllis Schlafly, because they have honorary penises).

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