And if you fight in foreign wars and are exposed to chemicals made by western chemical firms, we really appreciate your courage and sacrifice but you are being most inconvenient by getting sick, so die quickly please with the rest. In fact why couldn't you just get shot dead on the spot? We'd have found that even cheaper.

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You made me waste an hour on 90s music videos, dammit.

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If it gets to a vote in the senate, I don't think they'll lose more than two votes, but I'm a hater.

New addition to my "List of Things That Make Me Stab Vote Puppies with Sharpened, Ceramic Votes" (better known by its acronym LTTMMSVPSCV):

Any variation of Bloomberg's headline "The Republican plan is even worse than Obamacare."

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You can also be covered by Medicaid if you are on Medicare and receive SSI payments because you are poor.

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Good point. For some reason it's never been an issue for me, but thinking about it... <shudders>

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They had 7 years to work on a plan and this is what they come up with?DOAOnly the demented like it.https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Empower (v.): leave the powerless to their own nonexistent devices.

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They are upset that it still helps a few people and they can't have that!

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In many states, some version of Medicaid acts as what others would purchase as 'Medicare supplement' on the open market, if they had $$$$$.

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Same person who invited Greta to pull up a chair

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That oughta make the Trumpoids feel empowered:)

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Lady MS here: After years w/USPS. continued paying BC/BS premiums while working p/t job. Employer discontinued coverage for their 'valued' retirees, so my former work partner is still on the job; she'll be 80in June...

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“They supported a strong repeal bill when they knew President Obama would never sign it, and now they won’t support the same language because President Trump might sign it,” [national director of campaigns] Noah Wall said.

yeah, funny how that's working out....wasnt that the whole fucking point all along?

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Something to hope for... Since many of those who will be adversely effected by (R) plans are likely Faux News demographic, let's see how Hannity, et.al. frame this issue and 'splain how Cheeto has their interests at heart.

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Cheetos never prosper!

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IDK...some of our Trump-lovin' neighbors are faring quite well, tyvm, and they can't wait to see lesser fellow Trumpkins thrown under the bus.

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