"I trusted the government, now my dick glows in the dark."

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Middle class white women who don't vaccinate their kids.

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there's this brewery in town that is all the rage, like on tuesdays they have beer releases ( into the wild of white boys with khaki pants and polo shirt douchery)...like people line up for that shit...and yeah they make decent citrus-heavy beers ( but seriously YUCK YUCK...might as well call it wine, you hipster-fucks) apparently but i just dunno about those people on fucking tuesdays.

really...you would stand in a long line to get citrusy beers....what has become of the world when we're too much of a weenie to drink a real beer.

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in the nuclear holocaust, we will subsist on canned clams.

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one of the brewery made an infusion of dark chocolate and some sort of hot pepper...IT LITERALLY TASTED LIKED LIQUOR PUKE.

from that moment on i never wanted to taste a beer a friend was trying because i can no longer trust my friend's judgement.

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"Give me your tired, your poor, your yearning to breathe free. I'll piss on 'em."--Lou Reed

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I drank sweet fruity and citrusy beers. When I was 21. And it was 1989. And craft beer was a fairly new thing in the area. It was my first foray beyond horse piss MGD and Coors.

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It'd take him until lunch just to bend down far enough.

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I recently heard an outtake of an interview Trump gave in 1999 or so. Agreement aside, his answers were clearly on point and his speech was organized and relatively complex. Something has obviously changed since then.

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You know, you can call me a hypocrite all you want for applauding these actions while arguing that Barack Obama had broad authority to set immigration policy. I'll own it with a capital H. Republicans do this sort of thing all the time, respond with a hearty "meh" when the H word is thrown at them, and get what they want.

So, I should take the high road, not fight with every weapon available, and wave bye-bye to 800,000 DREAMERs and their families with a hearty, "At least we fought honorably."

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I hear North Dakota's having a drought, also too. Who knew they had droughts that far north?

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They'd be the perfect immigration candidates Steve Bannon advocated for, except for that non-white skin thing, of course.

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I imagine they'll have a lot of things to say about their former home to their new friends.

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They were required to provide that information for entry into the program. If the government now uses that information to deport them, they've violated their fifth amendment rights against self-incrimination.

They don't even do that to stone-cold mob killers.

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Kind of like taking someone's stuff without a warrant.

Thank God we don't do that.

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I like boiler makers. That's a cocktail now? Fucking hipsters!

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