How much does the BS bullshit cost to buy? Is it more or less than regular bullshit? I need to know before I go to the ATM machine in my vehicle car.

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3.3 million a month to the troll company Revolution Messaging in fact https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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This is a trick question, but the answer is: when you go on Fox and suggest that the FBI should hurry up with its investigation already, you're the shittiest person in the room.

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I think that's his point genius...

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The act was stealthily tucked into a bloated 11,000 page conference report when no one was looking, and passed by a lopsided 377-4 margin during a lame-duck session with a veto-proof majority -- not that it needed one. President Clinton, who had been lobbying behind the scenes in support of the act while publicly harrumphing about the evils of deregulation, signed it into law without batting an eye.Thanks for giving me a citation that supports my comment 100%.

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And another citation that supports my comment. Thanks!

Some Glass-Steagall supporters argue that its demise led to the 2007 financial crisis, and some Democrats have put a good amount of effort into restoring it -- such as presidential candidates Martin O’Malley and Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt.But Hillary Clinton won't pledge to reinstate Glass-Steagall if she becomes president. And Bill Clinton says criticism over the law’s repeal is unfounded."Look at all the grief I got for signing the bill that ended Glass-Steagall," Bill Clinton said in an interview with Inc. magazine for its September issue. "There's not a single, solitary example that it had anything to do with the financial crash."Clinton is wrong, of course, as is the headline, and if you read the whole article it eventually admits that the repeal of Glass-Steagal was a major contributor to the 2008 crisis, even if it wasn't the only one.

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It is exactly my point. Please don't mind ZeroSum, he's still upset with me calling him out for justifying a sexual assault on a teenage girl.

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You seem nice.

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You seem nice, too.

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I give tons of info, you morons dismiss it and then post total nonsense like Funk Dunderboobie

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Every time you've posted a link in response to me, it's supported what I said, not what you said. Maybe you should get in the habit of reading articles before trying to rebut people with them?

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thanks, Frank, for your considerate and informative reply - I was, however, attempting to fashion a joke, which may indicate why I've not yet taken my show on the road

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Sorry. I'm usually not bad at spotting those, but I screw it up from time to time. :)

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Jane. No question about it. When you gaffe so hard that the daughter of the Sandy Hook principal is trying to meet with you to explain why guns should be an election issue days before the CT primary, you officially become the worse spousal campaign surrogate.

To be fair though, she often had to juggle with the fact that her husband,Jeff Weaver, Tad Devine all managed to be on different pages at varying points of the campaign. They often sent her out to defend whatever screw up the campaign made and that never was a good thing.

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...you do know that Trump quote is fake, right? Snopes it. Actually, wait, I'll do it for you. http://www.snopes.com/1998-...

The man is running on platform of "run all the brown people out" and "moar torture". There's nothing liberal about him. Hillary has an actual record of being an actual liberal. Please don't conflated the two.

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That's actually genius.

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