It's too bad that there is no place on the web this fella could go to understand government spending!




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Or perhaps the far more obscure:


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Well, no one is obliged to work beyond eligibility; and there are incentives to do so. But I doubt many Republicans know that.

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I had intended to work past 65 but arthritis was interfering with my ability to do so. There are far more people who would like to retire but cannot because they cannot afford to eat and not work at the same tiem.

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Yep. It's win-win for the Dems. The citizenry is not going to blame the Dems.

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I thought he was supposed to have been smart.

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I cut out at 62, thank you Obamacare!

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Of course they could be getting more funds into the U.S. coffers by getting tax cheats to pay what they owe but they already knocked that off the table.

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conniving can LOOK smart to the outside observer

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The lady at SS who told me I wasn't eligible. Fuck off now.

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Probably he just made it up.

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...if people want to work longer, maybe you need to give them incentive to do it.

Let's try this:

if people want to slam heroin, maybe you need to give them incentive to do it.

if people want to eat food and not starve, maybe you need to give them incentive to do it.

if people want to have hot, sweaty, shuddering sex, maybe you need to give them incentive to do it.

Checks out.

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I didn't consider that individual careers might have mandatory retirement ages, but makes sense. But while you couldn't keep working as an Air Traffic Controller into your 80s, you could have found other jobs.

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I did ,in fact, continue working as a contract ATC instructor for 2 years, then a contract Live Fire Range controller at Camp Pendleton for 12 years. I agree with what you are saying, just wanted to point out that some jobs are mandated to retire by the government.....ATC,Pilots, etc. NOBODY should be mandated to work LONGER......

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It’s already slated to rise to $160k for 2023. Raise the cap to infinity.

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They are going to fuck Social Security and the fucking Dems are going to let them do it, you watch. Dems get no campaign money mileage out of stopping the rat fucking sons o'bitches but they can get rich on reversing what Republiturds do once they do it. They let Roe die because they were terrified of the bloody Antiarbortionazis and now they are raising boatloads of campaign cash on reversing what they should have protected decades ago.

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