That is very useful information that I was entirely unaware of.

Thank you so much; this is just the best place to learn new things.

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That's on the schedule but not until later. When it becomes obvious you can't dam up Miami like it was Amsterdam.

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Proposition trolls lurking; respond accordingly.

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Glad to help -- their feed was a load of offensive trash, and since I like their search engine, I wanted to stop it from dragging that crap onto my screen every time I used it, so poked around.

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Shhhh! They were pretty hush hush about the whole thing. Understandably.

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As a math teacher, I will always recognize pi-hundred percent statistics 📊 and be distracted by them.

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The Patriot Post sounds absolutely charming.

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It's our fault because we were mean to them about it.

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And people wonder why I never had children. 🫁

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I haven't seen it yet, but BBC just did a docudrama on that.



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That comes later after they can't extract any more profits. When Floridians are fleeing their sinking state to Georgia will we then see the "Democrats did NOTHING to prevent this" rhetoric.

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I like the "illegal alien encounters" headline. It makes it sound like campesinos are just dropping out of the sky.

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Breitbart, Media Research Center... Mercer money is behind a lot of climate propaganda (among other things...


https://uploads.disquscdn.c... https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Apple News sends links to Faux - I ignore them on principle, but if it would cost them money I'd click and then ignore. Anybody know which way the money flows?

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Hell, we share 60% of our DNA with fruit flies. What of it?

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