Fucking Linda Tripp, how does it work?

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Somehow, you need to stretch that to "HAARP"ies.

Aneurysm? Amygdala? Astroglide?

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I'll be the first to admit that the optics are bad. That's why we have a long-term consulting contract instead.

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I can't believe nobody's yet suggested Sherrif Joe, expert on all things forensic, messican, and police-ish.

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One is a bag of slow roasting dog poop! The other is ... also that, but IN A BURNING PAPER SACK!

They're Jackson & Shitsack! *Rock guitar riff* tuesdaynights1030pm

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Joe Walsh would be choice, but so would Basil Marceaux, Tim James, Rick Perry .. I could go on and on

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You can tell it's a photoshop!!


That's not a goat!!!1

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I think it's because, for the most part, "talk" radio is "groupthink" radio, or maybe "Imma tell you what to think radio". This is true of even "sports-talk", which may have been the precursor of "hate-talk" (I don't know, because I've rarely listened to any of it.

While liberals can fall into groupthink (and even admit the possibility), its attraction is far less than it is for conservatives (it's probably one of those amygdala things). What makes talk radio work is its relatively low production cost and a dedicated core group of listeners. Right wing listeners are happy to hear the same bullshit, nth verse, forever. It reinforces their victimhood.

Liberals have less interest in hearing the same exact thing over and over, and also, too, tambien, maybe, a somewhat more evidence-based view of the world, which doesn't respond well to badly-supported ranting.

For a limited personal example: I do not have teevee, but occasionally I will watch a youtube clip. I'm pretty sure that my political beliefs have a fair degree of overlap with those of Ed Schultz, but I sometimes find him hard to watch because he can be almost as sloppy with facts as any RWNJ.

A second example: Keith Olberman having outlived his schtick.

What liberal talk radio tends to offer is a variety of opinions, and even (gasp) debate. This can be edifying and enlightening, but lacks the emotional reinforcement of groupthink.

Also, too, we have other stuff to do.

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I know it's <a href="http:\/\/youtu.be\/6NXnxTNIWkc" target="_blank"> trite</a>, but I <i>have</i> always liked it.

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<i>Victoria Jackson and a flaming bag of dog shit</i>

If they both appear on your front porch, which one do you stomp out?

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Zombie Ayn Rand?

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I think a simple "Yes, Dear" would have worked better.

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And taller.

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Ken Cuccinelli? (Please pay him enough and give him a large enough stage to get him out of the Virginia gubernatorial election)

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