He's got a mighty high opinion of himself for a toady or idiot (or both) without enough texture to even register on my give-a-fuck-o-meter.

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Thanks, Stephen. I know a brilliant woman who works at The Times; maybe it's time for her to get a big promotion.

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Definitely pull my finger.

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Harlow P. Whitcomb, president of the





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Step back. He was super in Ridgemont High

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Where is the "choking on my own death's head laughter" emoji when I need it?

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Hellz yes!

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Did you Google that Natalie : )I'm sure way back in my upbringing I knew all this and I sort of remembered even but just wanted to make a joke.I could use a lot of refresher courses. I been banging nails so long that everything looks like a hammer ; )

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Stephen Robinson is the best commentator at wonkette, and that's coming from someone who agrees with Robin Pennachia's self assessment.

The Times pretense of treating both sides fairly is nonsense when one side tries to offer good policies and one side spouts lies and hatred.

Half my comments on the Times website get rejected. Apparently they think "POSOTUS" is impolite. And no reference to p**** grabbing is allowed. Who knew?

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It is just possible that Jeffrey Epstein may not be the worst person the Clintons associated with---it may instead be mark Penn.

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what ever is going on, i am sure it will just be another thing for black people to turn into a sensitivity thing. the truth is you're better off being massively insensitive to blacks up front then to try and keep up, and the end result is the same.

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"discussion .. debate .. diatribe .. it's aaaaaaal talk! Elephant talk! SqueeeeeealllHONK!" hahahaha love that song

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Let it be said again, one of the NYT's objective goals is to normalize the Trump presidency to "centrists". Why may be unclear, but what and how are demonstrable.

Gestures in the opposite direction are smokescreening.

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the yam secretly sees himself as a WWE big shot

And so do his fans.The tweeter last week (or the week before? Time flies) about a video of T45 dancing with people disguised as giant chicken? Oh, "that's why he is a great president".That's one the reasons, whatever stupid T45 does, it will not cost him a single follower. Most are here for the spectacle. The Oval Office has become the ultimate TV reality show.

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