Zero proof of wrong-doing. Hence, ZERO charges, even under THIS failure of an Administration whereby the GOP controls BOTH Houses of Congress (for this month and next) AND controls the WH AND controls the SCOTUS. Epic failure. TONS of BS spewed by you and other non-thinkers. Prove proof of your lies or please sit down and be quiet.

Trump is very, VERY close to Leavenworth and he will be there shortly.

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And the pole air is getting warmer.

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Oxhide hasn't been used in computers since the 1880's.

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So. What's your point? You make no sense whatsoever. Democrats and China in the 90s? That's an old right-wing canard-false as was everything else they posited then as well. Many of us leftists don't sacrifice progress on the altar of some sophomoric ephemeral moralistic goobledygook espoused by perfection scolds.

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Like Democrats with China in the 90's oh and Russis or did you forget the many Democrats offered plea deals in this investigation. Willfull ignorance doesn't erase history or facts. As a green voter I am getting a bit sick and tired of people you deciding some collusion is okay just not for people I hate.

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LOL, Obama okayed government propoganda, okayed the detention of anyone he doesn't like thanks to the ndaa, and sold Russia uranium despite proof of extortion and fraud which is more collusion then you can prove in the oompa loompa but you gave him a pass. Just like you did the Clintons after chinese collusion was proven in the 90's despite widespread obstruction which had more agents quitting in disgust then any other. Please don't breed the stupid may be stronger in you then Republicans and we dont need more of it.PS releasing facts is stealing nothing Democrats rigging the primary was stealing but naturally that was okay because it worked for you but it's also why Hillary lost.

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Wow, Democrats are just as stupid as Republicans lol. Funny how you missed the many Democrats given plea deals over this Russia investigation. It's always funny seeing people like you whining when all the oompa loompa did is steal democratic tactics. Chinese collusion in the 90's landed Clinton cohorts in jail and money having to be returned by even the DNC. Apparently corruption is all good as long as it's on your side.PS you need to grow up not liking someone doesn't make them Hitler especially since Obama actually passed more facist laws then any Republican in recent history but willfull ignorance seems to be there thing.

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I feel like I should be doing shots of Pepto.

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Her music cred seems prize-worthy.Carlos, maybe a science award.Steve gets funnier and more poignant each post- ope the Swede on the committee take notice here.

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I'd like to see the next President give back jobs to anyone chased out of the FBI, CIA, or any Federal agency by this grossly incompetent RETARD in the Oval Office.

Then eliminate EVERY one of his Executive Orders and eliminate the name Trump from every Federal Record, other than the President and his family's multiple FELONY convictions.

Then apologize to our Allies and re-institute most trade deals and the original Iran Deal. Call it "Obama's Deal" juuuust to pzzzzzzzzzzzzz off this fn loser in the Oval.

Sh^tbag in the Oval "Googling" himself and not liking the results! Hysterically stupid and funny. Hey, we don't like the results of the Election you and Russia stole, THEN you stole SCOTUS seats. One of which should be reversed, just on common sense.

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They are all repulsive.They're also too rich to work.

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And ugliarchs aren't particularly magnanimous.

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I'm finding fewer and fewer Trump Trolls (foreign and domestic-not that there's a difference) are bothering to respond. I think they've just given themselves over to the Russian Federation and the cabal of criminals looting the place.

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It's OK Bobby III, just get us thru the mid-terms and you will be getting lots of help

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Gitmo is too good for them and too hard to get to. they should be caged in the public square in San Juan, Puerto Rico. I imagine the economy there will surge if we all had a chance to vacay there and fling poo at the Felon in Chief

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