I so do miss MST3000. Bring back the snark bots and Joel.

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I was number 42 in the original MST3000 fan club. Before it got picked up by comedy Central it was on a local Minneapolis TeeVee channel 23.

That's right 42.

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Not that the bar was all that high, but New Pope is the coolest pope ever. Rock on, Padre!

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Did a double take I think it was last night when I saw for the first time what is apparently a Comcast ad blitz explaining how they are the biggest fans ever of net neutrality, and totally don't want to drown it in the bathtub until the last life drains from it with one last kick they do not want to do that and have not been spending millions lobbying to do that no not at all.

Important question though: is it the real MST3K or the dubious reboot that mostly misses the point? ETA: stopped being lazy and clicked through: it's the real one. I am excite.

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You're supposed to be. Can you say "designed to fail"?

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Why did New Pope invite Patti Smith? Because Patti Smith.

<i>Edit: spellchecker did not get the meme.</i>

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<i> Jesus died for somebody's sins,... but that's the Easter concert.</i>

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New Pope, Patti Smith, MST3K, literacy tests, millenials, and net neutrality all in one post? <head explodes>

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The item about net neutrality isn't surprising. <i>Everyone</i> benefits from a neutral, open internet -- except for a few greedy ISPs.

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As a hipster* I want to be unique, just like everyone else. I want to join the mass of people who are rejecting mass culture. Or at least the manifestations of it that I saw when I was growing up ten or fifteen years ago.

*I am not a hipster.

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^^^^ This guy has been reading the NY times for 40 years. Never knew it had a "Styles" section.

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I could never find it on my cable during its run, so to this day I am still a MST3K virgin.

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Was "0" the code for "pedantic smart aleck?"

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