I had a friend whose first husband wouldn't let her use lube because gays used it. He was against blowjobs for the same reason: Gays do that.

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Any chance of a free ride at U of M? Asking for a friend.

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looks like a porn star past the prime

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That egg thing? I think that constitutes a crime. Didja call the cops, T*mi? Didja file a police report?

Didn't think so.

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Is that a Lego person?

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I'm still not sure if this is better or worse than plastic bags. At least the plastic will give you the temporary illusion of security.

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c please

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Well he might want to keep the economy rolling, which won't happen with multiple outbreaks. You don't need to be particularly altruistic for that, just smart enough to understand how shit works.

Voters staying alive is just a side-effect.

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(while still following local rules and business's decisions about their own properties)TRANNY!!!!


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There is a COVID problem; a scary number of people who have been vaccinated or who have already had the virus are being re-infected. The shortstop for the NY Yankees had COVID already and was also vaccinated and he now has COVID again. He isn't the only one. This isn't over yet.

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The numbers, luckily so far, have extremely small. Time will tell.

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I grew up out west. Our town had a problem with periodic flooding of some of the creeks, so the city council proposed to regulate building in the flood plains. Makes sense, right? Well, the voters voted it down. So the next year, the city council proposed creating a bunch of new parks. Parks are nice. Everybody loves parks. And all the parks just happen to be in the flood plains. It was then I realized that people are idiots. The only way to get them what they need is to disguise it as something that they want.

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“Although that does suggest that there could have been a much cheaper way to do this than spending $5 million on a COVID lotto.”

I honestly don’t think it does. Giving $50 to every vaccinated person in Ohio would have cost a heck of a lot more than $5 million (he probably reasoned, correctly, that there would have been a massive outcry if the bribe only applied to the newly vaccinated, and not to the already vaccinated)

I actually love this idea. Giving people a tiny chance at a huge prize is a lot cheaper than just giving them even a small amount of money. We’ll see if it actually does juice vaccination rates, but I give him credit for trying something innovative to try to get demand for the vaccine back up.

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Yeah, really. An inanimate, empty-headed, anatomically unrealistic, plastic doll is much smarter than Toni!

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Chrissy Hynde, one time, too!

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Yeah, there are variants that evade vaccines already in circulation.

Apparently though, whatever antibodies the vaccines induced still keeps those reinfected people out of hospitals. For now. The problem in this scenario is that we will not be able to rely on herd immunity, or it will take a lot more vaccinated people to benefit from it. Once things reopen, the people who refused / could not take the vaccine will get infected, and it will be impossible to protect vulnerable populations.

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