Wait a minute. Aren't women from Venus? How's that going to work out? Mars will be covered with leather bars and Home Depots, and Lifetime Network programming will be unavailable.

I think it's more likely that when we colonize some other planet, we will send robots or their expendable Mexican, Chinese, or Indian equivalents to do the iridium wrangling or whatever.

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Mars needs women, according to a classic documentary. Mars would also need gastroenterologists, personal trainers, nail technicians, life coaches, and certified financial planners, and eventually assisted living caregivers. I can't see it.

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It's perfect for them. No pesky laws. No socialism (except those resupply ships). Space Jeebus nearby in case of emergency.

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Most of the Americans are already planet sized so we may need to outsource our exodus to a skinnier population.

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As long as they don't get Fox News there.

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