having been in the music business for 25+ years, i've seen more bad videos than anyone should be subjected to. this is empirically one of the worst. evah.

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It would take 20,000 words to explain fully; you had to be there.

("There" was alt.religion.scientology on Usenet c.a. 1995 - 1999, when the Web was just taking off, and some anonymous leaker was spilling Scientology's Sekrit Copyrighted Scripchurs all over the net, provoking Scientology's lawyers into truly absurd fits of dudgeon, and attracting a small flock of dedicated Scientologists attempting to "handle the situation" according to Hubbard's precepts. As Hubbard's precepts make no fucking sense, the results were often hilarious. Many people picketed Scientology offices; some of them had legal problems as a result.)

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They might show up and start videoing you. Then they’ll pretend that they’re not there when you call them out. Check your tires for nails. Not that they haven’t tried that before.

They know no shame, so it’s ok to flash them.

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I did not make that claim. I claimed that a particular sentence was properly interpreted to apply to a subset of its subject noun. The topic is your inability to process grammar.

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Well said. In addition, they also prefer people without money from whom they can extract slave labor.

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oh my god that just triggered a seizure or a migraine or something, I don't know I just feel nauseous.

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Not a contest I was hoping to win.

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I lived near the Hollywood club house near Beechwood Cyn and would see bus loads of sad faces that had tried all the free or at least reasonably priced tickets to celebrity, riches, power or just about everything Jesus said don’t chase. After a day of maxing out credit cards, they would catch their reflection in some sad neophytes outfit and wonder. Sad.

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They prefer people with money.

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But I call my kitties "baby girl" all the time. Does that make me a bad person? Or worse: not cool.

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Leave it.

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I know what you mean, I've 'won' it on here more than I'd like.

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I did not make the claim. I interpreted a comment written by someone else. You can tell who wrote the comment because their name is above the comment. If you go back to the original comment you can see it was by someone other than me. I merely pointed out that you had read it wrong.

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Oh, well you win then.

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I was born in the FIFTIES man.

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I was born in the 60's, I remember my sister buying the single and I still can't figure out some of the lyrics either.

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