That's "vould only try!"

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I get here so long after the puns start that I can never ketchup.

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Isn't it wonderful that we no longer have Obama dividing us, anymore?

(Also, fuck the guy saying, "The country has been so damaged that we don't agree on anything, anymore!" Dog whistle for, "It's the black guy's fault", much?)

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He seemed... suspiciously German to me.

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I suppose it might be vaguely possible (I don't remember any other comments he made) that he meant "damaged by GOTP shenanigans".

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That's my only beef with pun threads as well.

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The lady from Guatemala reminds me of many types who see everybody else as "getting handouts" but not them. It's like they learned the first rule of GOP America, "I got mine, so STFU".

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Because he's the father of subliminal Republican messaging?

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I would look forward to hearing about the woman from Guatemala being discriminated against or somehow attacked by some (other) Trump voters who assume that she is here illegally based on her accent. Trumpsters have become increasingly emboldened by the poorly-obfuscated racism of their Manchild-in-Chief. If any of them had even half a brain, they would be ashamed of what their votes have brought about. Then again, if any of them had even half a brain, they wouldn't have voted for that petulant idiot in the first place.

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I suppose. Maybe. But, I'm standing by my initial assessment. Until he makes additional comments.

But, honestly, all of the supporters seemed ... unhinged? Like the immigrant woman who declared that EVERY IMMIGRANT (but her) is looking for a free handout? What the actual fuck? And it doesn't matter how many other kinds of people also get help with child care expenses? So, we should restrict all assistance for children to the white variety? Or something? WHAT?

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There was definitely a strong contingent of wingnutty types there, so absent any further clarifying remarks from that one guy, his comment could pretty well fit into either camp -- or even the "both sides do it" group.

But yeah, the whole "every immigrant woman I know just comes here to pop out babbies and collect welfare" was something else.

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Full disclosure: "Both sides do it" is something of a trigger for me. Along with, "BUT, HER EMAILS!"

That having been said, however, to sit and just ... disagree with EVERYTHING, including facts and then be all, "See!?! We've been so damaged, we can't even agree on anything!" (including facts), means *cough*blackguy*cough* to me. Something had to do the damaging, after all. And it clearly wasn't Trump.

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Fertility rates (births per women of childbearing age)

Canada 1.6US 1.9El Salvador 1.9Mexico 2.2Nicaragua 2.3Honduras 2.4Guatemala 3.2

Can't see that translates into "popping out babies", but we do need our stereotypes to get through the day.

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Yes and the whole "have babies so you can kick back and live large on welfare" is a bullshit meme in and of itself.

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Where can I buy a thong onesie? Asking for a friend.

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But we clearly must respect Donald now that this speech has proven he has changed completely and is no longer the man he was for 70 years until Tuesday night.


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