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It wasn't an RNC convention until someone brought the French manicure.

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It’s worse than that. I’ve had to manage several millennials, and while some are fine, others have never been made to do anything they don’t want to, and have been told so many times that their piss poor efforts are awesome that they don’t know what that word means.

I had one announce he hadn’t done the task he’d been assigned because he decided he didn’t feel like it. He knew someone else was waiting for his research, he knew it was part of a larger project that couldn’t move forward without that info, he had literally nothing else to do, and he was capable of doing it. He just didn’t wanna, so he didn’t. He said he knew he’d be told he had to if he’d said anything, so he didn’t say anything. He was shocked when he was fired. He thought he would be promoted because he “took initiative.” Seriously. That one had 3 brothers. He wasn't even the youngest.

Another couldn’t handle the “stress” of having a deadline, she wanted to be able to get things done when she felt like it, and wasn’t concerned that others would miss their own deadlines as a result. Everyone should just adapt to Sharon time, because a junior whatever she was really should be dictating software development timelines based on her feels.

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It's not skin cream, it's in that "mineral makeup" powder. I guess it's not terrible for EVERYONE, but it's definitely not good for your skin, and if you're allergic to it you can break out something fierce.

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Isn't it obvious why she talked so much about wanting to be in the circus? She's finally achieved her ambition.

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Oh, dear god!

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Over all, this has been a WONDERFUL RNC/Saturday night live pre-show. In the King of Hearts (a moderately sweet Philippe de Broca film from the 70's) the inmates of an asylum wander out into an empty town that harbors an unexploded bomb, and begin to populate the town. I have been reminded of this film so regularly during this RNC that I have begun to wonder if it might not be the very basis for the entire convention.

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What a fucking freak!

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Carnivale, maybe?

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Like, fer instance, Texas auto dealerships. Ask Elon Musk if you want to see him rage out.

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"Our Stonehenge was nearly trod upon by a ...a ....an enterpreneur, I guess?"

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Amway for everybody!

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soooooo....GOPers don't understand the word "entrepreneur" either. Surprise!

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Words are hard

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Les français n'ont même pas un mot pour "entrepreneur."

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